Miss Bella

I told you all I would post all the details about Bella ....but I decided to share a link with you ....that way if ...

Paperwork & email day

Today I'll be working on emails and paperwork.  I'm running a tad behind ..... I had doctors appointments ...

Help Wanted/Needed

Admitting defeat is not an easy thing ...especially when I tell my children that you can do anything ....if you ...

Just checking in …..

I just had to share this ...hopefully I'll feel up to stamping tomorrow!! I was sitting in front of my ...

I feel much better!!

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm feeling much better!!!  In fact most of my cold/flu ...

Founders Circe 2011

Missing the last two days of Founders Circle was kinda a bummer ....but I have to say there were many special ...

Checking in

A quick update .... I had a great time at Founders Circle ....but I had to cut it short. I'm sad to say I got ...

Angie Juda #55433
Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator

Host Code: KZ7GDCSE

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