Big Shot Station


Today I’m sharing with you my Big Shot Station.  

When I mentioned it last week on the video tour I said I shared my Big Shot Station with you last year … I was wrong.  I had shared it … but only on my Get Organized with Chic n Scratch Facebook Group.  Sorry about that!!

I bought this unit from Home Decorators and it’s the MARTHA STEWART LIVING™ CRAFT SPACE CART WITH PULL-OUT TRAYS.  Click here to check it out.

I filmed a quick video for you and towards the end … Miss Bella makes an appearance 🙂

If you’re reading this blog post in your email please visit My Blog to watch the video.

You’ll also hear me mention my Big Shot giveaway … I’m super excited! This makes my fourth year of offering them and I LOVE the response every time I email someone that they’ve won!  (To give is a much better feeling than to receive … not everyone feels that way … but it’s how I’m wired!)

Stay tuned ….. I have three blog posts for you today (and another video).

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15 thoughts on “Big Shot Station”

    • Kathy, I’m sorry you’re having trouble with the sound … you should restart your computer and see if that fixes it. I just checked the video and the sound works for me 🙂 Thanks!

  1. Love your organization ideas. Would love to have a cabinet like that so I’m going to try to get my dad & brother to make me one.

  2. Love the cart! It looks like it may be a great new purchase for me! I received my ribbon shelf today!! I love it. Thanks for showing all of you new organizing desk items. I pretty much have my room fixed now. My ribbon was a big concern for me & you posted your new “room” just in time, I ordered as soon as I noticed it! Thanks again.

  3. What a great idea, it has everything right there for your big shot. What a fabulous idea! I am still in the process of getting things organised, but I had not thought of setting my cuddling up like that, great idea. I never realized that there was a Home DECORATION Co. Thanks for sharing! Bless you!

  4. Angie, it looks like your framelits box is from Stamp-n-Storage. I like the way you label yours. If it is SnS, what size is your box & how many magnetic boards does it hold? They all look the same size & I like the way that looks too (instead of getting a combination). TIA!


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