Congrats Vanessa Robles ….you won the Snow Much Fun stamp set ….my favorite set in the 2011 2012 Idea Book & Catalog. Several ladies choose this set as my favorite and I had to draw a winner. Thanks for playing along!!
p.s. I was going to announce the winner along with a project using the Snow Much Fun stamp set but I'm in the Git R Done stage right now and just need to mark some things off my do to list!
Angie you don’t know me but I know you thru your wonderful web site I come here everyday you do a fabulous job& I love your site. I live in London Ont Canada I love to craft & have been doing it for many years so you just take this from an old crafter your health comes first & your real friends & followers will understand I will be praying for you Angie so keep us posted your doing a great job. Love Linda from Canada
Just letting you know I am thinking of you and praying for you. I hope it goes well with your Thyroid Biopsy. Wishing Chase a speedy recovery too. I have been following what you all have been going through there.
I love your creations and look forward to seeing what you are up to, but you look after yourself and your family first.
Sending love and hugs from Australia,
Jenny xx
I know you don’t “know” me, but I did introduce myself to you at Convention. But I might have scared you! LOL! I was SO excited to find you that I said “Hi, I’m Cliffie and I’ve been ‘chasing’ you” I MEANT to say “I’ve been ‘stalking’ you! It was my 1st convention & my friend & I were ‘stalking’ our stamping idols to get our picture taken with them. You are just that…my stamping idol, & your blog was my very first blog I ever followed. I wanted to talk to you a bit, but I didn’t want to hold your friends up that were waiting for you. I love following your blog, you share sooo much! I love getting your 12 wks of Halloween & Christmas in my email box. I’ve been keeping you in my prayers as you’ve had to struggle this last year, praying for Chase also! I don’t know how any one could NOT be nice to you! I’ve learned alot of fun things because of your willingness to give your time & share your talents with others! So you hang in there & take care of you & your family first & foremost! I for one will just keep coming back to check for new posts & will just be happy when you are able to do that! Hope I can visit with you at convention next yr…I promise NOT to startle you. Thanks for being so gracious and letting me get my pic taken with you (although, my camera erased it for some reason…I just wanted to cry!) 🙁 Also, thanks for your autograph…you’re a celebrity as far as I’m concerned! ;D
Hugs, Cliffie in Oregon
hey Cliffie,
Im glad I didnt scare you off at Convention. I didnt feel well the entire week and I was scared everyone would hate me afterwards…I just wasnt my normal self.
Next year well for sure talk at convention!!
Thanks for your kind words and your prayers!!
Angie Kennedy Juda