Thanks for all your help regarding the color of my blog side bars!! I'm still in shock that most people see it as green. My laptop shows it light blue (a pretty blue). It may be Internet explore …I'm not sure :) Maybe that's why some people had trouble viewing my blog when it was black….all the monitors are different.
Congrats Nikki Harris!!! You won the Chic Stand :) Please send an email to and give me your mailing address.
One more note on my Card Class/Card kit. Everything is included that you need to make the cards….except the stamped images and adhesive. And a PDF file will be email with a photo & instructions.
Have a great night…see ya tomorrow! (next post…. will be late Tuesday)
p.s. I'm in the process of making some changes….I like to call it Spring Cleaning. The list of changes includes, Customer Appreciation, Stamp Club, My Blog, My photo software… arrange my office (the list will scare you). I had to move my office around this weekend…I felt that the setup was making me less creative…trust me…the flow wasn't working …it doesn't look as pretty now…but it's functional :)