Img_1941_4  Good Morning Stampers!!

This is the first card for my Christmas Card Kit.  This month I’m making a few changes…..

If you’ve purhcased a previous kit, be sure to read this.

As you know I always post one picture from the kit and then I email the attachment for the others, but if you’ve purchased a kit before, I will gladly send you all the pictures the day you order, the instructions will still be sent after I receive your payment.  I think this month is the best kit yet and I’m excited to share the pictures asap!! 

The next change…. I’m offering this kit in two color choices!!  Isn’t that exciting?   What’s the other choice??  River Rock (my new favorite color) & Always Artichoke…Img_1940 

What’s coming next…. Another Christmas Kit!!  I love simple elegant cards but I also love fun cards too…….so check back soon!!

For the next two months I’m offering multiple kits so everyone can get their Christmas cards made early this year(myself included)!!!

I’ll post the list of all the supplies and details on the right side of my blog, but it will take me a day or so.

Here’s a QUESTION for my bloggin friends…..any idea what I’m doing wrong with my pictures?  Ever since I got this new computer my pictures don’t look as crisp and clear.  I tried using the "photo studio" with the white box and an Ott light and my pictures looked gray.  Any suggestions???  I took about 100 pictures of these two cards and I still dont’ think the picture captures the beauty!  Thanks in advance for your suggestions!!!

Have a great Wednesday!!!

Okay, I have to add a little bit of non stamping here….anybody see "Moonlight" last Friday?  Please tell me, did you love it?  I’m on a campaign to save a show that I don’t want to get cancelled.  Last year I tried to save Studio 60, as you can see, it didn’t work.  I’m a huge fan of Mystery novels with a little romance….this show totally checks that box!!  If you read books by Sandra Brown, Lisa Jackson, Nora Roberts or Beverly Barton, you’ll love this show.