12 Days of Christmas + More

12 Days of Christmas + More


My project today is the same project I made last month …. a Mini Treat Bag made without using the Mini Treat Bag Thinlits.

It’s made it exactly as the one I showed you HERE and the only difference is I used a different pattern of the Candy Cane Lane Designer Series Paper.   Oh, and I changed out the Glimmer heart for the little bow tie.   Isn’t it just darling!!

I have a lot to announce today so I’m moving on the next subject quickly!  

Stampin’ Up!  Supplies

12 Days of Christmas

The 12 Days of Christmas starts next week! 

Stamp Club Online

Stamp Club Online is on it’s 4th year and still going strong.  Here’s a sneak peek at some of this months projects.


Click here for more info and if you like to join please add your name to our waiting list for the new clubs staring in January.  We are adding a new option this year … you can join for 3 months or 6 months.  The 6 month club places a minimum of $25 each month.  The 3 month club places a minimum of $50 each month.   Sale a Bration starts again in January and I received my copy of the catalog this past weekend … oh my goodness it’s amazing!!!!

What’s in the Box?

Last night I shared my story about our annual Stampin’ Up! awards and I’m sorry I failed to mention what was in the box 🙂  Here ya go…


Each box contained a charm and on the back, it has the year, our initials and where we placed in that category.   The tag was made with the Birthday Blast Stamp Set... it’s featured in the brand new Occasions Catalog that starts on January 4th… can you believe I actually received it at On Stage… I LOVE it!  

Occasions Catalog  - Sale a Bration Catalog 

Both catalogs start on January 4th and if  you’ve placed a minimum order of $50 with me in the last 6 months I’ll be mailing your catalogs for free and you can expect it to arrive mid to late December.  Please login to your account and check two things… 1. Is your mailing address correct 2.  Make sure you haven’t checked no Contact.  If you’ve checked that box, I do not  have access to your name or your mailing address and therefor I can’t mail you a catalog.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me or my assistant Laura.  

Paper Pumpkin

  • If you’re one of my Paper Pumpkin subscribers ….  you will receive an email with access to several tutorials using the Paper Pumpkin kit.    
  • You can see a sample below of one of the cards made with the October Kit.
  • The exclusive tutorials are sent between the 6th and 10th of the following month.  If a holiday occurs, it may delay it a few extra days.  If you purchased the October Paper Pumpkin Kit, the exclusive tutorials will be sent today.



Blog Candy 

On October 30th I announced blog candy for my 14 year anniversary as a Stampin Up! Demonstrator.  Congrats to these two ladies who won a $50 shopping spree… Pam Schweitzer & Li Payne. Thank you both for your kind words and your support over the years!!  Laura has emailed both of you, if you did not receive her email please let me know.   

Thanks & have a great day!


Hostess Code:  PM63XJJE

If you would like to order Stampin’ Up! product used to make the Mini Treat Bag… please click on our signature below.


13 thoughts on “12 Days of Christmas + More”

  1. Love, Love, Love that paper, I can’t wait to make this treat bag. Thanks for sharing. And again Congratulations on your great job.

  2. Just as cute as the other one if not cuter using this paper. Wouldn’t a frosted sugar cookie look fun in this? Congrats on all your accomplishments!

  3. Congratulations on all your hard work which payed off with all your awards! You are a very giving, caring and talented person. Keep up the good work I sure enjoy your blog. Also Thanks for picking my name for the blog candy!

  4. Congratulations Angie, you are an inspiration. I screamed and cheered so loudly whenever your name was called I’m surprised you didn’t hear me all the way from Atlanta. I am so happy for you, all your followers know how dedicated you are and how hard you work.


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