Spider card & news on my dad

Spider_trick_or_treat Good evening!

I’m switching things up and posting tonight instead of tomorrow morning.  I had bigger plans for my Wednesday post…..I started this card and had several things I was going to try….but life threw me a curve ball.

Before I go into that….if you’re on my email mailing list and received my newsletter last Friday…..It’s official :))  ONLINE ordering began today and I actually went and placed an order with myself just to see how it works. So, long story short….everything that was in my newsletter….now applies!!!!  My "Celebrating You"  Incentive plan has officially started and Congrats to Emma for placing the first online order with me!!   

If you’re not on my customer email mailing list, you can join now by signing up in the box at the top left corner of my blog.

Now for some personal info…… They found the problem with my daddy and he’s going in the hospital in the morning to have some more tests run and after that they’re putting in a Pacemaker…..if you could keep him in your prayers I would really appreciate it!!!

Thanks for visiting my blog…….goodnight 🙂


27 thoughts on “Spider card & news on my dad”

  1. Sorry Angie 🙁 I was just on another blog and jumped to yours and got my names mixed up. I hope you forgive me! I will be praying for your dad as I said I would!


  2. Angie-
    No matter what hour, you are in my prayers and so is your Daddy. Praise God that He has blessed us with doctors who can help our loved ones with medical miracles.

    Jesus loves you and loves your Daddy too 🙂

  3. Angie —
    Congrats on the online ordering working! Yahoooo! Just wanted to let you know I’ll be saying prayers for your dad…and of course you and your family too.
    Hugs —

  4. You need to put this in your holiday treats class. I know, I know, it’s not officially a treat – but who wouldn’t consider it a treat to receive it in the mail?! I love the spinner part!!!

    So glad to hear they found a solution to what was going on with your daddy. I will be thinking of you and your sisters today and whispering some prayers.

  5. Angie-
    Will be thinking and praying for you and your family today. God bless you and keep you all strong. Thanks for sharing your inspiration everyday. Congrats on the online ordering working-that is great.

  6. Hi Angie,

    My prayers are with you. Just wanted to tell you that I am sure everything will be OK with your dad. My mother also has a pacemaker and its been 30 years now. She just changed her old pacemaker for a new one about 2 years ago because the technology has changed since 30 years ago and everything went fine. So like I said everything will be fine. I use to call my mom the bionic woman when I was young (thought this would make you laugh.)

    My prayers are with you.

    Nathalie from Montreal

  7. Hi Angie,

    I’m so glad the doctors have found a solution for your Dad. It’s such a scary thing to go through especially when you’re long distance. Know that I’ll be praying for him. Call if you want to visit.

  8. Hello Angie,

    You are in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be so, even after your father recovers and becomes very well, again.

    I’m sorry that he and your family have to go through such an ordeal but, in the end, it’s great that God has given someone these special skills and knowledge.

    He is with you and will hold your father in His hands through this. None of us is ever alone.


  9. Angie,
    I know your Dad is in good hands, special prayer that God will guide the doctors through Him. Praying for you and your family’s comfort in this situation. I’ve had many answered prayers, I’m one of those Prayer Warriors. We love you and so does our loving God.

  10. Our prayers are with you and your family, I know it’s hard to keep a brave face on, but the important thing is that they found out now than later, I’m very sure he will be fine and let him know he has many people praying for a quick recovery. 🙂

  11. Hi there from southern Germany! I hope your dad will be much better soon! My granddad got a pacemaker just recently and he’s doing very well now, I wish you and your family all the best!


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