Thank You for a great year!!

Thank YOU for a great year!!  

To my lovely customers, awesome Chics Paper Ink downline members and my family!! I love what my job and appreciate you all so much!

The past year has proved to be challenging for everyone and I remind myself everyday that I am blessed.  I have my family, friends and a job I love.  What more could I ask for?    Thank you again!!!

I am a little emotional today, probably because On Stage was this weekend and I didn’t rest but I wanted to say that I appreciate those of you that have stuck by me for so many years!!   I plan on being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator for the rest of my life (I call myself a lifer) and some years I will work more hours and some years less.  That’s the beauty of my job.  But, when I share sewing projects I always get afraid you will leave me (and some do).  Some have questioned “why do I do the sewing videos when it’s not part of my job” and the answer is “I love it”.  It makes my heart happy.  I love paper crafting and sewing and I’m super lucky that one of them pays the bills. xoxo

Miss Bella

Can you believe we picked Bella up from the airport on this day, 10 years ago?  We love her sooooo much!!


During the Seasonal Sale, you can stock up and save 10% on cardstock, 15% on ink pads, and 20% on dies. Build up your collection of crafting basics with a steal of a deal on papercrafting products! 


  • The sale will run for three days only.
  • The discount includes 10% off cardstock, 15% off ink pads (excluding ink pad bundles and third-party pads), and 20% off dies.
  • The discount applies to products featured in the 2021–2022 Annual Catalog only. Products from the July–December 2021 Mini Catalog are not included.

Holiday Adhesive Totes

Last Day to Pre-Order

Click here for all the details.

Click Here to Order





Chic Candy 122

Chic Candy 122 includes the following items:

  • Mini Stampin’ Cut & Emboss Machine

You have two ways to enter to win!  

  1. Two (2) entries for every $50 when placing an order with me between Nov 11th – 18th.  Be sure to leave a comment also…. to get more entries.
  2. One (1) entry – Leave a comment at the bottom of the Chic Candy #122 blog post. Click here to go there now.

$75 Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit  – November 4th – 30th

For $75 (plus tax) here’s what you get ….

  • $125 worth of product for just $75. Your choice of Stampin’ Up! product!
  • Free Shipping on the Starter Kit
  • 20 percent off all your purchases – no selling is necessary
  • Business Supply Pack (catalogs)
  • Be a member of our amazing Chics Paper Ink group!
  • Hobby demos are welcome!!

Click here to Join Now

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me here.

**What is the Stampin’ Rewards Starter Kit Code? This is when a Hostess wants to use their Stampin’ Rewards to purchase the starter kit.**

Host Code: 3MF2KZVY

Free gift with a minimum $50 order.

**Please read all the details before placing an order using a Host Code.**




Just Stampin Tutorials




  • Free Stampin’ Up! product with Chic Rewards – Free product of your choice by earning one Chic Reward for every $25.  Click HERE for details.
  • Stampin Rewards  from Stampin’  Up! All orders of $150 or more receive free hostess dollars to spend on anything you’d like in the Stampin’ Up! Catalog.  Redeem the Stampin’ Rewards at the time of your online order.  Keep track of these orders and earn additional free product with our Chic Rewards program. 
  • Join Stampin’ Up!$125 in product of your choice for $75. Hobby demos and business builders are welcome!!
      • Free Shipping on the Starter Kit
      • Be a member of our amazing Chics Paper Ink group!
  • Have a question?  Please use our help desk email when you have a question.

Thank YOU for stopping by, have a great day!!

Click HERE to shop online –


11 thoughts on “Thank You for a great year!!”

  1. You what you love to do and post what you want. Consider sewing a job that makes you happy. Your blog post no matter what you post makes me happy.

  2. Angie, When I first saw you online so many years ago I knew I found a treasure. Your videos & ideas have given me hours of fun with Stampin’ Up products. Since you started Facebook Lives, I look forward to them every time. I love your sewing ideas too. I made many rag quilt bags for friends & family and plan to make some of your other sewing projects once I get my room organized.Thank you, Angie, for your sweet spirit and generosity!

  3. Congratulations! I look forward to your lives and enjoy trying to make the projects you show us. Also love your sewing videos. Keep making them. We are blessed to have you as our demonstrator.

  4. Angie congratulations on all your well-deserved achievements!! I love all your sewing videos as well and have learned so much from you. That video of Miss Bella is so adorable, it must have been love at first sight. 🙂

  5. congrats on another successful year and your sewing has encouraged me many many times! keep up all the efforts that bring you joy… life is too short to do otherwise. : )

  6. Congratulations on another successful year! I have never considered leaving you for another Stampin Up consultant and probably never will!
    I am not a person who loves to sew but your baskets have me tempted!
    Stay true to what you love and it will make you happy!
    I remember when you got Bella! Ten years! Time flies!

  7. Congrats on your accomplishments with Stampin’ Up, Angie! Amazing! I love that you share your talents with us!
    It shows that you love what you do!

  8. I love everything you share!!! I look forward to your live events and now that I am retired I am able to catch you live more often!!!

    Thank you and congrats!

  9. Congratulation Angie, you deserve it all you work so hard for all of us. I enjoy watching all your videos and recreating your projects. Thanks for everything.


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