Just a quick note from Alaska!

We were given the Holiday Catalog that goes live on September 5th and oh my gosh … it is amazing!!

Here’s the cover of the 2018 Stampin’ Up! Holiday Catalog….

Here’s just a few of the projects they shared ….

Three projects made with the Farmhouse Christmas Stamp Set.

Project made with Trick or Tweet stamp set …. don’t you know it’s one of my favorites!!

Our cabin on the cruise and a picture of me 🙂

I had lots of plans for my blog while I was away…. but when Bella woke up sick on Wednesday morning… all plans went out the window!!!    She’s doing much better and Brooke is taking very good care of her (even sending me reports three times a day).   Here’s a picture of her ….after eight hours of being shuffled from vet to er clinic.   They had to shave her belly for the ultrasound 🙁

I hope you’re all doing well and I’ll check in again when I can …. we’re almost at Juneau and we’re getting off this boat for the day.


Out of the Office Notice

I’ll be out of my office between July 16th – 28th.

Angie’s  Specials

Hello from Alaska is brought to you by Chic n Scratch, Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator Angie Juda