Best Bunny Tutorial – Free with an order!

Learn how to make these four cards using the Best Bunny Bundle as a Thank You for placing an order during the month of July, 2018.

Offer ends:  July 31st, 2018


Any size order will receive the Best Bunny Tutorial!  You’ll receive this tutorial via email, please remember to check your spam folder!

Personal Note

I’m back from our family vacation and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!  It’s not often that I completely remove myself from technology and I did last week. We had the best time!!!  Chase and Brooke don’t get to see their cousins/aunts/uncles/grandparents very often because everyone works….but last week we spent a week of eating, swimming, canoeing, boating …etc.  Bella, Elvis and Skittles was also with us … as you can imagine there was never a dull moment. 

I’m back in my office and getting caught up … I think I’ve caught up on all email …but if I missed one please let me know!  

All orders for Chic Stands and Coasters shipped out Friday.

All Designer Series Paper Shares shipped out Saturday (I cut them on Friday).

If you ordered the Calendar File and was not able to download it please contact me here and I’ll email it to you immediately.

This week I’m going to film as many videos as I  can to reward you all for being so patient.  Thank you again! I appreciate the emails asking me where I’ve been or what’s wrong. My work schedule should return to normal after Chase and Jessica’s wedding in September (unless God has other plans).  Dave is upstairs painting Chase’s room (and patching all the holes) as I type this blog post.  You should see our house!! I guess you could say we needed a wedding to motivate us (new toilets, new paint, plants, clean/organize closets, the list is huge and it’s a disaster at the moment). 

Chic n Scratch Live #60                                                 

I’ll see you Monday night at 7pm central time, July 9th. I’ll be going live on my Chic n Scratch Facebook business page.


Thanks & have a great day!

p.s. wish me luck!  I’m headed upstairs to help Dave …grrrr  (I’d rather stamp!)

Angie’s  Specials