How I organize my kits

Halloween kit 3
Organization is huge when you’re tackling a big project and over the past year or so I’ve had a number of people ask me how I get ready for a class or prepare a kit.

So, here’s the details:  I decided on five projects for my Halloween Class.  Next I put all five projects in their own plastic container.  In that container held the project, the supply sheet and supplies needed to make the project.   I determined the cost on each project before I priced it out.  This year my kit was a little cheaper because my overall cost was lower.

Next the cutting process:  I cut one for all five projects and then I made a cutting map.  Picture this….I took one sheet of White card stock and I put on top of it every white piece I needed.  Then I took a ruler and drew it out.  For my Halloween kit I needed 6 pieces of white that ranged from 3 x3 to 2 3/4 x 2 1/4.  It’s hard to explain but my making a cutting map it saved me time & card stock! (Although I must admit…I goofed up the black  map and the ladies that were here at my local class had to watch me scramble to figure out what I had done…I corrected the problem before I shipped the kits.)

As I finished a project I marked it off my Project supply sheet….double checking to make sure each line item was marked off.

Next came the bagging process…Each project had it’s on bag and I organized them in baskets…’s a few more pictures.

Halloween kit 2

Halloween kit 1 I hope you’ve enjoyed the behind the scenes look at my kit organization.

Have a good day!

p.s. I’ve had a few questions asked about my library style cabinets (you got a glimpse of them on the picture I posted yesterday).  I found those a few years back at Nebraska Furniture Mart.  Huge thanks goes out to my friend Julie for showing it to me!!  I’ll go over what I store in those drawers very soon!!


5 thoughts on “How I organize my kits”

  1. Wow! How many on average do you have to assemble??? I KNEW you worked hard! Can’t wait for the stream today – planned my whole day around it! 🙂

  2. Angie: thank you for sharing this. Organization is a constant challenge for me and being able to see how others solve the challenge is so helpful. Thank you for all you do. Heather

  3. Angie, this is awesome! Where do you get your plastic bags from for the kits? They look like sleeves of some kind, not Ziplocs. What do you use? Keep up the great work – I love your tips and tutorials!


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