sick day :(

Good morning!  I don't like posting this because I always have good intentions but then life just throws a curve ball.  The past two days I've been sick with a tummy ache and a headache.  I think I feel better this morning but the stress of being so behind is getting to me.  I need to announce the winners of the Chic Stands and I need to wrap up things for Stamp Club tomorrow and last but not least read all my emails.  I'm going to work as hard as I can today to get caught up.  I'll announce the winners just as soon as I can read the comments & make a decision.  Because I'm extending it …. I'll accept more suggestions and throw in a few more Chic Stands.

I'm going to share with you today a card that was sent to me for my birthday.  Thanks De!! I absolutely love it!! When I opened it,  I thought to myself…it's the perfect chocolate for me since I'm allergic to dairy. I love chocolate but sadly I can't have it.

  Birthday card from DE

Thanks for stopping by!!

Angie Order Signature


35 thoughts on “sick day :(”

  1. Hi Angie,
    I’m so sorry to hear that you are feeling badly. Nobody wants you to do ANYTHING until you feel better and you’re up to it. You are so thoughtful to worry about everyone else. Hope you feel better soon. Thinkin’ of you today.
    Angie in Utah

  2. Hi Angie, Sorry your are feeling bad. I think you should start your own stamp line………with your very very bright mind and good common sense and a good feel about what we like I think you would go far………….patm

  3. Can’t believe you posted, when you’re feeling so bad. Don’t worry about us . . . it more important that you feel better. :o)

    De’s card is very cute!

  4. Sorry you have not been feeling well. It is no fun to be sick. I am sure no one minds you taking a little break and getting back to normal. sit back and relax and do what you can. Linda Gerig

  5. Angie, praying that you will be healed soon. Take care of yourself first, the rest will and can wait. Rest is the best medicine I know of to help your body fight back.

  6. Angie,
    Hope you are feeling better. I think any time you make videos or have great cards/projects with special (affordable) accessories it encourages us to buy things; like all those wonderful punch creatures. I could never rationalize spending a lot on the bigger (more expensive) things but somehow manage to spend lots by spreading it out over time. I also think getting free things for spending a set amount (like the salebration) encourages bigger purchases.

    Feel better,

  7. Hello Angie~ sorry to hear you are ill.
    Please take care of yourself. We will all patiently await your return. It is super important not to over do it.
    Your birthday card by De was great.
    Happy Belated birthday.
    Will pray for you tonight!
    Get well soon,
    Hugs- Sonia

  8. So sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well. I don’t know what’s going around, but there sure seem to be a lot of people with the same thing. I hope you feel totally yourself soon 🙂 Blessings.

  9. Oh! I understand! I’ve had bronchitis all week…it stinks! I haven’t felt like doing much, other than blog reading. 😉
    Take it easy and get well soon! No worries…we’ll still be waiting when you feel you can return.
    Huge hugs!

  10. Hi Angie,

    Happy belated Birthday first of all!

    Hope you will be feeling better soon, it might be a Spring bug going around. Take care of yourself & we can all wait until you feel better to post who receives your Chic Stands. I have to admit, I hope my other entry is a winner. I’ve always wanted one & was surprised when you said you weren’t able to sell them any longer. I didn’t think SU had anything even close to your “patented” Chic Stand.

    Thanks for all you do & keep up the great blog, but rest first & feel better! 🙂

    Stampin’ Smiles from Ear to Ear,
    Ann 🙂

  11. Hi Angie,

    I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for posting even though your not feeling good.

    Colleen in Forney, TX

  12. I am sorry you are feeling so bad. I just found your blog and became a new follower. I just made a new blog myself, my first. I do not have much on it yet.

    thanks for sharing with us your projects, etc…and giveaways too.


  13. Sorry you are not feeling well! I pray that you recover quickly and are back on your feet in no time! An excellent alternative to regular chocolate is Rice Milk Chocolate! I too cannot eat dairy 🙁

  14. Hope this note finds you feeling much, much better, Angie! What a neat card BUT … I give! How the heck do you make that chocolate bar??? It looks yummers! 🙂

  15. wow this is cute. I just had done the chocolate bunny card and made him scratch and sniff with chocolate smell. So will have to try one of these that way too so it smells like chocolate too. ! thanks for the share! Blessing Gail


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