Sweet Pea Make n Take Helper

Make n take helper

Isn't this the cutest thing ever?  I love it so much I hid it and then it took me a week to find it 🙂  (do you ever do that?)

I was a Make n Take helper at Leadership and I had a blast!!  Donna made us these darling things to wear and after the first day I stopped wearing mine because I was afraid I would lose it. 

Here's the list of supplies she used:

  • Sweet Pea Stitched Felt #117266
  •  Flower Layers w/Leaf big shot die 113470
  •  Extra Larger Fancy Flower Punch #118073 (found in the Occasions Mini Catalog)
  •  Rose Red 1" Double Stitched #111846
  • White Decor Elements Sheets #114335
  • The alphabet used was one they use in office for signs…but you could use the Naturally Serif #113453

The colors go really well with my Bella Rose Apron & if you attend one of my classes or clubs you'll be seeing me wear this.

Club girls….what do you think….do you want to make one of these?  (minus the Make n Take words.)   Send me an email and let me know.

Tomorrow I'll be posting the details for my Class/Kit featuring the very same projects we made at Leadership.  After making them I decided I liked them so much I should offer them to everyone.

Thanks for joining me!

Angie Order Signature with divider


6 thoughts on “Sweet Pea Make n Take Helper”

  1. Hi Angie,

    I would really like to make one of these. I am in your email kit club but I would really like to make one. I could use them with my office at school.


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