Halloween Treats Class


It’s official, I’ve set the date for my Halloween Treats Class and it’s going to be on Thursday Oct. 2nd (7pm to 9pm) & Friday Oct. 3rd (11am to 1pm). 

I also have two class/kit choices.  The first picture is Kit #1 with the Test Tube.  Kit #2 will be the same… except the Test Tube will be replaced with a Nugget Tin (see next picture).  And if you’re like me and you gotta have it all, you can pick Kit #1 and Add-on a Nugget Tin. 

Fine Print….Slight change… the Test Tubes will have a white cap in place of the cork.

Click here for the Buy Now Buttons & for all the details.

Here’s a picture of Kit #2Halloween_treats_class_2

Update on Crazy for Cupcakes Kits they’ve been shipped and you should have them in a couple days!!

Have a great Sunday!!!

p.s. Yes, you see new stamps in the picture 🙂   The Halloween Frights stamp set & the Eat Drink & Be Scary stamp set can be found in our Holiday Mini Catalog that starts Oct. 1st.   Ladies, if you’re a fan of on-line ordering….you can order these sets on Oct. 1st! 

p.s. You do not need the Big Shot to order the kit, those items will be cut for you 🙂


10 thoughts on “Halloween Treats Class”

  1. Can we order the kits? I’m out of town so it would be hard to come to your class. I’m dying to learn how to make that Frankenstein box! My 4yr old’s pre-k class would love those boxes for their party! 😀

  2. Angie,

    I know these are Martha Stewart test tubes, but do you know what size they are. I would love to make some treats this fall…and would like to know the height and mm…



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