Fall Festival Day!!!

Angies_booth_2 Here’s what my booth will look like this afternoon.  Click on the picture for a closer look…or show up in person. 

The location is East Antioch Elementary School, 7342 Lowell, Overland Park, Kansas (it’s off I-35).  The hours are 5:30pm to 8pm.  My cell number is 913-626-9103 if you get lost.

Special for the weekend…. FREE Shipping on all orders placed from the Stampin’ Up! catalog, until Sunday at midnight.  Don’t forget the current special…. purchase three packs of Stampin’ Up! Designer Paper and get one Pack FREE.

Extra note…if you’re on my mailinng list and did not get my Happy Friday email today, could you please let me know? Thanks!! 

Class reminder….Tuesday is my Christmas Treats class,& you’ll be making some of the same items you see on display.  If you haven’t already registered, please do so in the next 24 hours.  The hours are 12pm to 2pm or 7pm to 9pm and the fee is $15.

Hope I see ya soon!!

p.s. Don’t forget about FREE card on Friday and if you’re  a Moonlight fan it’s on tonight at 8pm Central time (cbs).


13 thoughts on “Fall Festival Day!!!”

  1. I love the way you incorporated your Stampin’Up! display into your crafts fair items. Would you mind sharing the wording on the sign? Thanks … hope it was a grand success.

  2. Angie,

    Have a great time and sell, sell, sell!! Your booth looks wonderful, organized, and professional! You will have no problems. I received your email and am still getting caught up! But will respond soon. Wish I could make the 2 hour drive but husband is on call this weekend!


  3. Looks fabulous!!!! If I were closer, I would be doing some shopping for sure. Your ideas are such an inspiration – THANKS for sharing them with us.

  4. Hi Angie!
    Boy, have I missed seeing all of your creations! Your projects are simply adorable! Those clipboards are SOOOO cute as well as the snowman and reindeer goodies! Thanks for sharing such great ideas!!!


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