Another card from the swap….isn’t it pretty? I want this set soooo bad!!!
Aren’t you happy I have all the swaps to share with you since I haven’t stamped in a couple days. I sure am!!!
Congrats to Kim for winning my blog candy yesterday!! And guess what…..she just celebrated her birthday! That was so cool that Chase drew her name from the basket!!! Tomorrow I’ll have Brook pick a name for my customers/downline blog candy.
Big News!!!!! If you’ve looked at my calendar and wrote down my class dates…please check back in a couple days. Dave surprised me last night and told me he was taking me to Vegas (we’re staying at the RED ROCK RESORT) for our 16th anniversary… .he already ask his dad to come to our house and watch our kids…Yippie!!! He was going to surprise me and then I was talking about all my classes this fall and he saw that I had a Christmas Class planned that week. He should know by now I don’t like surprises…..except when they’re really good presents… at Christmas…he surprised me with a Canon XTI digital camera…yes, I cried!! I had resorted to using my old Canon Rebel because my point and shoot camera was driving me crazy!!! Oh well, I better stop now..I could ramble forever!
Have a great Tuesday!!!
p.s. if you saw my little rude comment that I posted yesterday, please ignore me, having a stomach ache for multiple days was making me grumby. Sorry!!!
wwwwhhhoooo what a FANTASTIC present from your husband!!! When are you going to Vegas??? Brian and I are planning to go in October. We have our Canadian Thanksgiving early October so that weekend is out…LOL
That is a GREAT card up there! I don’t have that set either…but would love to own it!!
Have a GREAT day hun!
Woo hoo! That is a wonderful surprise vacation your DH planned!!
Love your RAK as well!