Today is Brook’s Golden Birthday, big 13!!! When she saw Sandra’s clipboard a few weeks ago she loved it and ask if I would make her one. I let her pick out the paper & this is it. Can’t tell you how happy I am that she picked Pink!!! For years she has protested pink (probably because that’s the color I dressed her in for at least 6 years). Anyway, I gave it to her after school yesterday and she loved it, she said especially the bird….what is it they say?? like mother like daughter? Tonight we’re going to spend some money…she and I love to read and we’re going Borders or maybe we’ll take a drive and go to Rainy Day Books!!
Have a Fantastic Friday!!
Special note……I just have to say…"thanks" to everyone that has replied to our "Cards for the Troops". We have heard from so many of you, can’t find the words to express our Thanks and I’m sure the guys in Iraq will feel the same. God Bless you all!!!
Happy 13th birthday to your Brook! My Alex is 12 today!
Happy 13th Birthday Brook on the 13th! Hopefully, it is good luck for you having a double negative number today to make a positive, KWIM?
The clipboard turned out beautiful! I love it! Thank you for sharing!
love the flourishes!