I have to share this story. Those of you that know me already know that I have weird things happen all the time. They’re not all bad, but I’ve always got a story to tell. Well, here’s the new biggie!! Fluffy was held hostage Friday….not really but kinda. I took her to the vet on Friday, she had what I thought was a big cut on her face, turns out it was a hot spot that had gotten really bad. They had to sedate her because it was very painful. After waiting for an hour (wish I’d had a book to read) the vet came in and said "go run a few errands and come back in an hour". When I tried to go back in an hour the entire place was surrounded by cops, swat team and all. Rifles were pointed in the direction of the strip mall….I was freaked out. Call the vets office, they told me that some one was being held hostage in one of the stores and no one could come in and no one could leave. So, I sat in the bank parking lot for an hour waiting and stressing. Fluffy is blind, just been sedated, had a cone on her head, stuck in a cage and her mom(me) was missing. You can imagine, I was upset. I call the vets office again, hated to bother them but I was worried about Fluff, the vet came on the phone and assured me that she would not leave until Fluffy was picked up that she agreed it would be too stressful for her to stay overnight. Normally when stuff like this happens I call all my family and friends but I didn’t, I kept waiting for someone to call me and tell me it was over. Finally around 9pm, they called, said that people were arriving to pick up their animals….so, I rushed out and got stopped by the policeman, he said the area had not been cleared and I was to get out of there. Called the vets office again and they said that they had been cleared to leave but that no one could come in. The people that showed up were the people that were stuck in their cars. (See, things could have been worse for me, stuck in my car for 4 hours with nothing to do, I would have gone mad.) So, anyway the lady at the vets office said no problem, I’ll bring Fluffy home. Can you believe that? These ladies had been stuck there for hours and then they delivered animals home. Amazing!! (I could have hugged her but I’m not the hugging type.) I gotta do something really nice for them. If you live in the area, and need a good vet, Olathe Animal Hospital is a wonderful and caring place.
Just a note, this is not the normal in Olathe, Kansas…..I guess what happened was three guys tried to rob the nail salon and things got a little crazy. Two ran off and one locked himself in the Golf Shop, still don’t know the whole story because the swat choppers kept the news crew away.
Poor fluffy! Got to admit, she looks lovely with her “gucci-perro” accessory hee-hee!