
02_28_0 This is it, my first project using my watermark and my new "photo studio".(smiley face goes here because I’m so happy but I don’t know how to add those either.)  Thanks again Dawn!!!

If you’re like me, a little slow on computer stuff, a watermark is that line on the picture that has "Design by Angie Juda".  This project is a folding album that I made of my daugher Brook, I’ll upload the other pages later, look for those in the side bar on the right.  P.S.  Now that I have the crop a dile tool I could punch a hole and add the ribbon instead of putting it behind the cardstock.    Have a great day!


6 thoughts on “Watermark”

  1. Hi girlie Thanks for the praise Hee! Hee!
    hey what script font fdid you use anyway on this project LOVE IT!!Please let me know okey dokey,, Looks FABULOUS!!

  2. I’m glad you have the patience to learn all the cool stuff! like this cool watermark, or fraying ribbon etc.. You are always sharing! Thank you!


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