Happy Friday for my Customers!!


This cute little ablum is a special I’m offering my customers this fall!!

Thanks Stacy for the instructions!!!  As you can see, I made some changes but really appreciate not having to do all the work! 

The boys are at the lake and I’m off to work on my Halloween Treats class.

Have a great weekend!!Happy_friday_008

Stamps:  Perfect Presentation (Hostess set)  Ink:  Old Olive & Real Red  Cardstock:  Dashing Designer Paper, Old Olive, Real Red & Very Vanilla  Tools & Accessories: Stampin’ Up! Scallop Punch, 5/8 Old Olive Grosgrain Ribbon, Real Red & Always Artichoke Grosgrain Ribbon, BB & EE Brads, Stampin’ Dimensionals, 1/16 hole punch & Stampin’ Write Markers


11 thoughts on “Happy Friday for my Customers!!”

  1. OH my goodness girlie this is FABULOUS!!! love everything about it … Oh how I wish I had that set too .. that tree is sooo cute .. and OH the paper is sooo yummy too
    Your customers are the luckest gals around to have ya Sure hope they know that…

  2. I really like the “tweaked” cover from the original. I think this is great and it shows off another punch by doing it like you did – nice job!


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