Teacher gifts from Brook

Memorial_day_2007_014 Made these last night for all of Brooks teachers.  I wanted to use a different bird but she said she liked this one best!  All of her teachers got this candy bar and some of the others got the candy bar with some cards in a cello bag and a thank you card, should have took a  picture of the goody bag, but my brain kinda stops working after midnight!

I’ll upload Chase’s in a little while, it’s almost the same but has a different image.

Oops, almost forgot, it’s a kit kat bar wrapped in a piece of 6 x 6 designer paper.  So easy to make, perfect when you’re making 30 of them!


3 thoughts on “Teacher gifts from Brook”

  1. Love the idea! Did you use a crimper? I am curious how you have the ends attached! The ends look very neet and clean!

    Also, love all of your designs!


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