Facebook Friday – Episode 45


Facebook Friday #45 will take place tonight at 7pm central time.  I’ll be going live on my Chic n Scratch business page.

Click here to go there now.  If you can’t see the video at 7pm…. give it a few minutes and try refreshing your screen.

For those of you that are planning on watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics … either set your DVR to record it or you can watch the recording of my video later (it will be posted as soon as we wrap up our video).

Angie’s Specials

Don’t miss these great ways to shop and save in February!

Hostess Code:  UAHKTVRY

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by our ChicnScratch website!!


27 thoughts on “Facebook Friday – Episode 45”

  1. Hi Angie! I’ve watching your videos on Friday. Simply live them. Just wish scrapbook material were cheapee in Brazik.
    All the best!

  2. Loved this project! I couldn’t see comments for some reason but I noticed your scissors. What are they (manufacturer)? It would be great to win some “candy”!!!

  3. I just love your projects. That limd green box is so cute. I have s list of some of my favorite projects of yours to refer back to, especially a bag you made on 12 days /weeks of Halloween 2015. I use it for everything

  4. I love this box! I think it’s the perfect size…if it’s too big, you can always add ready shreddie. But I think it’s great!! Thank you for designing a new box style.

  5. The colors for this box are fabulous and the design is adorable. Thanks for figuring out the measurements and making it so easy for the rest of us!

  6. The show (and the box) were great. I love the box designs you show us and REALLY appreciate you doing all the math for us. My Petal Passion DSP should be here Monday. The possibilities seem endless. Thanks!

  7. You do not give yourself enough credit! I think you do very well with your math! The box was great and Angie you make me chuckle every time I watch you.?


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