Christmas Stars


I learned how to make the Christmas Stars at our Stampin’ Up! Convention last week and I could not wait to get home to make one … or five!

What’s really cool about them is that all you need are two pieces of Designer Series Paper that measure 6 x 6 … that means you can make two of out each piece of paper .. or you can make 24 of them using a Designer Series Paper Stack (holiday version coming soon!).

The Merry Moments DSP is available now and the Season of Cheer DSP will be available in September.


Here’s a video on how to make the Christmas Stars ….CLICK HERE to watch the video on my Chic n Scratch website.

Click here to download the Project Supply Sheet

Stampin’ Up! supplies:

  • Paper:  Merry Moments DSP 138450, Season of Cheer DSP 139590
  • Accessories:  Glue Dots 103683, Paper Piercer 126189, Liquid Glue 110755, Bone Folder 102300, Ruler, Pencil



weekly deals july 28th

  • Hearts Border Punch Item # 133784
    Discounted Price: $11.20 
  • Happy Patterns Decorative Masks Item # 138313
    Discounted Price: $4.20 
  • Very Vanilla Thick Baker’s Twine Item # 138411
    Discounted Price: $2.63 
  • Melon Mambo 3/8″ Stitched Satin Ribbon Item # 138431
    Discounted Price: $6.75 
  • Sweet Li’L Things Designer Washi Tape Item # 138387
    Discounted Price: $3.75 
  • Pacific Point 3/8″ Stitched Satin Ribbon Item # 138427
    Discounted Price: $6.75 
  • Lost Lagoon 5/8″ Striped Cotton Ribbon Item # 138418
    Discounted Price: $5.25 
  • Basic Black 3/8″ Stitched Satin Ribbon Item # 138430
    Discounted Price: $6.75
  • Melon Mambo 1/4″ Cotton Ribbon Item # 134566
    Discounted Price: $4.50 
  • Metallic Foil Doilies Item # 138392
    Discounted Price: $2.80 

Thanks and have a great day!!

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98 thoughts on “Christmas Stars”

  1. I can’t open the instructions. It doesn’t recognize a program to open it with. I tried Adobe Reader but that doesn’t work.

  2. Cute stars. If you put the starsfav ing the same directions will that work? So that you have the flat part to put against a package.

    • I figured something out. I cut the edges of one of the stars and layed it on top of the other star and it sits down in the star. I applied glue to the edges to hold onto the star.

  3. You’re awesome, Angie! Every presentation of these amazing star projects that I’ve seen the last few days has simply been a teaser of what’s to come sometime in the near future — and it’s quite frustrating. You are the very first to actually provide instructions — in a video tutorial, no less — to make them so we can get a jump on our holiday crafting! Love you for that! And if I wasn’t already a demo myself, I’d be your customer! It’s no wonder you’ve achieved so much through SU! — you are top notch and truly put your customers (and blog followers/readers) first. Thank you again for the constant inspiration. You rock!

  4. I cant wait to make several of these stars. They are beautiful. I can see them hanging on my Christmas tree!!! Or in the windows or set out in a bowl just as decorations. Thank you for teaching us how to make these.

  5. Wow! What a cool idea and it really doesn’t take much in supplies! I am going to make a couple of these up for a package decoration! Very cute!

  6. this is great thanks for sharing. This would be a great hostess gift if someone was having you at their house for a holiday party

  7. Hi Angie, these are adorable!! I will be making some of these for myself. I have some older Christmas paper that I can use. Thanks so much for showing us how and giving us a chance to win one!!

  8. Those are so pretty Angie. You make such easy to follow tutorials. Thank you for showing us how to make such a pretty star.!

  9. WOW, those are beautiful. Thanks so much for doing a tutorial Angie. I think they would look awesome for other occasions too. Maybe, birthday decorations? Maybe not 🙂 I love them.

  10. Aren’t these just adorable. I can just picture them hanging all over my house during the holidays. Thank you for showing what happens when you don’t go to the edge.

  11. Glad you didn’t fast forward. I made one right along with you. What fun and so quick. A great way to use up last year’s DSP! TFS!

  12. Love these stars. Would look lovely hanging on fishing line around the house. Thank you so much for sharing.

  13. Angie, Thank you so much for bringing a bit of Convention to those of us who couldn’t attend. I absolutely love the stars, and appreciate learning new ways to use the 6 x 6 paper stacks!! Blessings, MaryS

  14. Oh My Gosh, Merry Christmas everyone.
    I feel like I want to make hundreds of these. Yikes, I have to order
    More DSP immediately. Thank you, Angie ?

  15. OMGoodness!!! These are AWESOME!!! I am like you Angie! I can’t wait to (try) to make some! These are great, I really love these & seems really simple to do. I can’t wait to try. Thank you so much for containing to share all of your wonderful ideas. You are great. Buffy

  16. These are so very cute! I will be making the stars for sure! Thank you for the easy tutorial video! Thank you Angie!

  17. ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!! Can’t tell u how much I enjoy your videos… tho I’m faithful in ordering from my long time SU Demo. Thank you for sharing with ALL of us!

  18. Just love the Stars already made one so simply and pretty. Do a bunch and place them on your Christmas Tree Oh how pretty

  19. Angie these stars are fabulous!! Thank you so much for sharing a tutorial. I can’t wait to make some of these with the metallic foil papers, they will look so pretty as part of my decor this Christmas. I’m going to try with some scrap paper first to make sure I get it right!

  20. Angie, these are great!. I am going to make lots of these for the holidays. Thank you, as always for sharing your ideas with us!

  21. Thank you for the easy to understand tutorial… I may be working with some seniors for easy Christmas craft project and these stars would be perfect!!!

  22. Thanks for sharing this so quickly after convention. What a great 3d project for any time of year. I also made them with 3 x 3 paper (draw the cut line at 5/8″). Adorable teeny tiny stars! I suppose 12 x 12 would work just as well (draw the cut line at 2 1/2″). Thanks again. Your videos are worth a million!!! 🙂

  23. These are wonderful. I’m going now to make one before I forget how and have to come back to the video. Thanks so much for sharing.

  24. Wow! Great project Angie. Thank you so much for sharing this project. I can’t wait to make them and hang them from my balcony during the holidays.

  25. I love these stars, so glad you shared (especially with the video), the instructions. I saw them at Convention and wondered if there would be instructions. Thank you so much for the video.

  26. These are absolutely darling! Can’t wait to try them. I think I’ll use them to hang from the ceiling during my Christmas tea.

  27. These stars are simply beautiful and I cannot believe how easy they are to make! Could you make smaller ones out if 3×3 paper? I know what I will be making this weekend!! Christmas in July!

  28. Love these stars-the Halloween ones are great too! Can’t wait for the 12 weeks of Halloween to start! You always do such amazing things.

  29. Sooooo much easier to follow and remember watching your video then trying to figure out on my own photos…and when will they be downloaded???!!!! Thank you for sharing this and providing us with your tips and the sponging on any white backside that may be showing. Awesome!!!!

  30. Congratulations on all you SU accomplishments, you are truly my favorite. I really love the red and the white with green and red. But I have some Bo bunny Christmas paper with blue glitter on it that I must try this on. I love all your videos and maybe some day I will try your live stream. Or better yet meet my hero in person. TY4S, and being so nice in teaching and selling SU. If I EVER decide to sell SU for my own personal use, you WILL be the first person to know about it. Not only for your kindness and talents; but I think you have the patience to work with an old lady like me. Keep smiling, because you always put a smile in my heart.

  31. I loved the tutorial on how to make the stars and will definitely be trying it out for my decorations this year. Thank you for sharing.

  32. These are great and a terrific tutorial too, thank you! I wonder, are they big enough inside to put chocolates? Want to work out a way to make them flip open so I can use them as a box. Time to go play 🙂

  33. What a neat and pretty star!! I have always thought about making these but never did and I seems intimidated by it. You made me believe I can do it by watching your video!! Thank you so much for sharing! I love all the things you share to us and teach!! Thank you I will be making these this week for sure !!

    Stamp away,

  34. Thank you so much for sharing…I got the papersize and first folds right but then I didn’t quite know what to do with it. Knew there must be more and thanks to the great sharing of other demonstrators found my way to your video. Clear and easy to follow instructions. Let the star making begin!


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