Blog Candy


My blog candy today is from a Paper Pumpkin Kit ….. (May) and I have to say I’m really digging these kits!  They are perfect to throw in your carry on bag or purse and stamp away from home… meaning you don’t have to pack the whole house … LOL  

The only thing you’ll need is a pair of scissors (but not always).   I actually made the cards above in the car on the way to the lake.  

By the time you are reading this blog post I will have assembled my June Paper Pumpkin Kit on a airplane headed to Tennessee.  (update … plane ride did not go according to plan so I made them at daddys house … picture below).


Back to the blog candy … it includes 6 cards and a bag.  To enter to win leave a comment on this post.  I’ll draw a winner on Monday.  If you need help with leaving a comment  .. feel free to let us know if you’ve tried the Paper Pumpkin Kits in 2015? (I say 2015 because they have been pretty awesome kits this year.)

The Online Workshop Kit offer ends at midnight tonight …  See Online Workshop Ordering Incentive  for all the details.

Thanks and have a great weekend!!


Online Workshop Hostess Code:  SRJ3RJ44

 See Online Workshop Ordering Incentive  before using the code.

Hostess Code:  J3HFZBCQ

Use this Hostess Code and receive a free gift! (Please do not use the Hostess Code if your order is $150 or more). Click here to learn how to enter the Hostess Code. 


104 thoughts on “Blog Candy”

  1. I have never tried the paper pumpkin kits…I do love the 2 you showed us here!! May have to check it out!! Love the bag too!

  2. I have been receiving the paper pumpkin kits since the second month they started and I have seen the difference from then and now. At first l was not as thrilled to receive them because of the projects, but they have changed for the better and I have loved every one for quite a while now. Love this month that you are offering for the blog candy, and this month’s is awesome also. Have a great weekend.

  3. I have not tried PP yet.. I haven’t really been too keen on some of them enough to sign up but I am really loving the kits this year, especially May and June which is my favorite so far! They just seem to get better as the months go on! I think that I may need to rethink this!

  4. I have pondered signing up for the Paper Pumpkin kits in past. Never did it. I will have to reconsider signing up. Thank you for sharing Angie!

  5. Love PP – each new kit gets better and better.
    Enjoy your time in TN with your family. Will keep your dad in my prayers (as well as the rest of your family).

  6. I haven’t tried PP yet not sure about it. I have liked some and others have been kind of Ho Hum!!! Maybe the next time they offer a deal I just might jump on the Band Wagon LOL 🙂 Thank you Angie and enjoy time with your Daddy I miss mine <3

  7. I’m new to paper pumpkin. The June kit will be my third project. I love that they are quick and fun to assemble. Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. I haven’t tried the Paper Pumpkin. I kind of like to do my own thing but maybe if I see them……………………..

  9. Have not tried the PP kits yet often look at them but find something else to spend my crafting budget on! I do like some of them thx for the chance to win one & enjoy your family time

  10. Love PP, and get them for 2 years now. Got my first refill ordered, and am very happy with the projects. Love the versatility of them!

  11. This is my very 1st month with Paper Pumpkin, decided to give it a try when it was offered on the last special. Loved this months kit. Will be putting it together with my granddaughter this weekend.

  12. I have not tried Paper Pumpkin-did not care for some of the projects. Some do look nice but maybe might take the chance. Love the blog candy so darn pretty. Have a good weekend.

  13. I love the Paper Pumpkin kits. Unfortunately due to some financial issues I had to stop receiving Paper Pumpkin. I have May’s kit and I love the June kit. I am hoping I can be back receiving Paper Pumpkin very soon.

  14. I have never tried the paper pumpkin kits. I would like to try it with my 8 year old daughter. Seems like a great and simple way to do a project together. Thank you for showing us.

  15. I have never gotten the Paper Pumpkin. I have been curios to see what is in one of the kits, so I hope I win to find out.

  16. I have subscribed to PP since it came out. I was about to cancel my subscription when they improved it immensely. I love it now and look forward to receiving it each month. As you said, great to pick up and go or for a day you just need to stamp but can’t think. Personally, I have a lot of those days. 🙂

  17. The Paper Pumpkin kits have really improved over the past year. Maybe it’s time to sign up again. Thanks for a chance to win some candy.

  18. I’ve almost purchased the Paper Pumpkins several times but backed out. I do think they are getting better every month. Maybe I will try them out soon!

  19. I love, love and love Paper Pumpkins. I could make them all day and night long. They are my absolute FAVE.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  20. I would love to win these cute cards. I had to get out of the Paper Pumpkin orders but these are really cute!! Thanks for the chance to win them.

  21. Definitely cute! I used the kit back from March of 2014 and plan on ordering the refill since it is retiring. I keep collecting these pumpkin kits, but have yet to have time to put any of them together like you.
    Thanks for the chance in your blog candy!

  22. I haven’t tried the PP kits. Right now I can’t afford to. Hopefully I will some day.
    I love the kits you shared.
    Thank you for the chance to win.
    Enjoy your visit.

  23. Love these projects you have shared for the Paper Pumpkin kits. I haven’t tried them yet but after seeing these, I might just need to think about. So adorable!! Thanks for a chance to win!

  24. I just signed up for Paper Pumpkin and just received my first kit. Can’t wait to put it together I really liked the Happy Birthday stamp from the May kit. Wish I could get it from somewhere.

  25. I started my PP subscription last year and quit when the April box arrived. Kind of sorry now…both of your card sets are wonderful! Thanks for offering some blog candy….hope you are back home and had a very good visit with family,

  26. I have not tried the PP yet. I keep looking at them when you show what you have made from them, but have not subscribe at this time. These projects are really nice so will have to maybe consider it. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  27. Hi Angie, hope all is well with your family and you have a wonderful
    weekend. Thanks for the opportunity to win blog candy.

  28. I have never used the paper pumpkin kits. I was’not that impressed, but I must admit that the May and June kits are tempting.

  29. I have never used the paper pumpkin kits. I was’nt that impressed, but I must admit that the May and June kits are tempting.

  30. Beautiful! I hadn’t tried PP. The first ones looked boring. They look much better now. I am on a limited budget. I hope I win! Enjoy your time with your dad. Tenn. is beautiful, nearly as wonderful as Ky.

  31. I haven’t tried PP yet but the projects are simply adorable. Safe travels and thanks for the chance to win the blog candy!

  32. I have never tried PP. I guess I thought I have enough supplies but these look interesting. You have peaked my interest.

  33. I just started PP. The first was the bags and cards like the ones at the top of your blog page! The second PP was the 8 cards (4 ea. of 2 designs) I used the 8 for Father’s Day!. I needed 10 and 8 were in the kit! I only had to make 2….I did my Father and my Husband. Please consider signing up for these! I was hesitant and then I just said to myself, ‘go for it!’ I am glad I did! Takes 30 min of your time . However I have to admit the second kit with the 8 cards, took longer to do, because I did add to it! But they were received and all loved them! I am now looking forward to the next kit!

  34. Hi Angie,
    I hope everything went ok with your flight-you kind of left me wondering when you mentioned it not going exactly as originally planned. I signed up for PP when it began, but felt the value was not there. I have noticed they have improved significantly! Very pretty colors in your Blog Candy. Thanks for the opportunity:)

  35. Cute Cards. I have tried paper pumpkin in the past as they were not what I was expecting and nothing I would use. Still have projects I haven’t started yet.

  36. I decided to give the paper pumpkin set a try when they went on sale for recently, figuring if I didn’t like it I could always cancel, just recently received my first set this month and I loved it. I did one card of each following the instructions but played with the others, using just what came in the kit, and love the way they turned out. I had to order a few of the past kits … I can’t wait for them to arrive. So much fun and I don’t need to pull all of my supplies out so it makes for an easy clean up.

  37. I enjoy the bold burst of creativity that arrives each month, and my personal challenge is to make twice as many crafts from each kit, by adding extra card stock and new embellishments! The stamp sets are delightful, and it is fun looking up alternative ideas on Pinterest… People are so creative! Best of luck to everyone that enters!

  38. Hi Angie,

    I have not tried the Paper Pumpkin Kits yet. I have to say the kits that I have seen in the last few months have been really cute. I’m considering them as a future purchase. Enjoy your time with your family in Tennessee.

  39. Love what you showed from the May Paper Pumpkin. I got June’s and I’m not so thrilled with it. Have fun with your family and I hope you feel great while there!

  40. I haven’t ever tried the Paper Pumpkin kits before. I will have to rethink about ordering these in a future order. Thanks Angie!

  41. Have not tried these yet. Love you giving us a chance to experiment.

    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful tips and projects.

  42. Tried the first ones out and was not overly impressed. I have started to receive the last couple and I am happier with the product and projects. Will look forward to seeing what is offered through the summer.
    Have a joy filled week-end.

  43. The kits this year have been pretty awesome. I just put the June kit together and am really pleased – I think half the cards are kind of masculine & half are more feminine so it’s really versatile and I LOVE the stamps!

  44. I totally agree that the Paper Pumpkin kits have been totally amazing so far this year! I’m so in love with the June kit! I just love the flower stamps and the colors chosen for this month.

  45. haven’t tried the PP kits but it looks like they would be fun…especially if you want something “to go” and don’t have time to put all of your supplies together

  46. I have not tried Paper Pumpkin yet, but they are getting my attention more and more:-) Your cards posted here are adorable! Thanks for the chance to win!

  47. I haven’t tried Paper Pumpkin yet but each time I see a kit I think I should. All the project kits are so cute and it would be a great way to start collecting stamping spots.

  48. The show & tells for the 2015 Paper Pumpkin kits do show really nice projects. A difference from the beginning, for sure!

  49. I so love the projects you make and lately the Paper Pumpkin kits do look much better than in the past. I am not signed up at this time for the Paper Pumpkin kits but might have to give it a try. Thanks so much for all of your live stampin projects. Just love them.

  50. I haven’t tried any lately of the kits, would love to later on, it’s not in my budget as of yet. Would love to win to see how the product is made. You do such amazing work.

  51. I love the kit that you shared with us. Thank you. Makes me think I need to sign up. Would you be sharing alternative ideas that you can make with the kits with people that sign up for the kits? Thanks again. Enjoy seeing your dad. I just returned from Northern MN seeing family. Beautiful part of the country. Take Care.

  52. I’ve been loving the new MPP kits! Perfect to satisfy my need to stamp when I don’t have a whole lot of time!

  53. Congrats on your milestone! I know you achieved it a while back, but I was reminded again. I ordered both May and June PP and haven’t assembled them. Canceled and saw how cute July’s PP was… I think I just enjoy making my own cards. But these would come in handy in a pinch! Thanks for the chance


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