Live Stream Tonight


Tune in tonight for a live stream on You Tube … 6pm Central Time

You can watch the live event right here on my blog or over on my You Tube Channel.

To participate in the live chat … sign in to your You Tube account.

If you can’t make it tonight … mark your calendars for my next Online Workshop, Thursday October 23rd, 7pm. (I was able to move some appointments around and make it happen this week.)

Update 7:47 PM … tonights live event is over … Thank you!!

 See you in a few hours!


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17 thoughts on “Live Stream Tonight”

  1. I started to have problems when you were finishing up the cat fry box. I’m sure your next kitty will be puurfect. The Mummy was sooo cute. I can’t wait for the next online workshop.

  2. WOW Angie, not used to seeing you with polish on. LOL so used to seeing you with the French manicure. Something different 🙂 Watched later because I missed you live 🙁

  3. Darn I was at my son’s football game watching him coach his team to a great victory and missed this. But I will be ready for next Thursday!

  4. I missed it tonight also, I was a little late but will watch it tomorrow. I absolutely love these! I saw one done with a regular size candy bar, DONE WITH the mummy design. I think it was las years, it is a good possibility it is yours. I loved that! I absolutely enjoy all of these fabulous designs, instructions and videos, A Huge Amt. Of Work! I am trying to get to understand where all of your videos… I think you said that you have done hundreds, and I am trying to figure out how to get the benefits,from being in your mem.bership. I had nit gotten into this site much because I spent the summer making my first baby album!!! I had never made one, so I took most of the summer teaching myself. Now I can catch up with you. Not sure what the prizes are, and how to APLLY for them, through your videos, all learn, along with….what are the rhinestones give away that you announced on one of your videos. Just curious…. Bless everyone! Lisa


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