Stampin Up Catalog & Cruise


Dave and I arrived home from the Stampin’ Up! Cruise last night and the first picture I’m sharing with you is of the pillow gifts and goodies that we received.  

I think all the demonstrators would agree that the Pillow Gifts are one of the most exciting things on our incentive trips.

We had a blast!! And I’m happy to report I took at least one nap a day and some days two.  Our favorite island was Jamaica and on the very last day … we both got totally sunburned.  He’ll never listen to me again … I said we can’t go home without just a little sun … little did I know that one hour equals sunburn 🙂

If you’re a fan of my Chic n Scratch Facebook page I shared a few pictures with you through out the week … I’ll be posting those for everyone in the next few days.  We got home late last night and I’ll be in catch up mode for a few days.


The next picture is of the Stampin’ Up! catalogs that were delivered while I was away (along with Miss Bella).  Click here to request  your free copy or to order one.  We’ll start mailing the new catalogs this week.

Today is the last day for Double Chic Rewards.

Live Stream on UStream … Tune in tomorrow night at 7:30pm Central time.

Thanks & have a great day!

Hostess      Code:  CPT4QQP2

Use this Hostess Code and receive a free gift. (Please do not use the Hostess Code if your order is $150 or more).


13 thoughts on “Stampin Up Catalog & Cruise”

  1. Glad you had a great time. Is there some new SU items on that table?
    Enjoy the rest of your day and Thanks to Laura and you for all that you ladies do for us bloggers.

  2. Welcome home Angie! Looking forward to your Ustream tomorrow and to hear all about your cruise! Glad you made it home safely and that you enjoyed your Stampin Up get-away!

  3. Glad to see you are back, Angie! Hope you had a wonderful,
    relaxing time. Looking forward to hearing more about your
    cruise. I missed you!

  4. I can’t wait to see the new catalog! I am hoping mine gets here soon. Glad you had a great time and I agree with you. I loved Jamaica when we traveled there too.

  5. Welcome back! Hope you continue with your “nap a day” routine and remember “there’s always tomorrow” to get things done.

  6. Glad you are back safe and had a nice trip. Your goodies look fantastic, that must be so awesome to come back to your room every day and find something wonderful 🙂 Glad you took the time to rest, I know I love taking naps when I can, that’s my bodies way of telling me I need to catch up. 🙂

  7. Sounds like you had a marvelous time… except for the sunburn, that is! Can’t wait to see the new catalog!

  8. Welcome back! Glad you had a nice time and was able to get some much needed rest. Looking forward to receiving the new catalog! Hope your mom is doing better.

  9. Welcome Home Angie! I agree with Marciene….”Hope you continue with your “nap a day” routine and remember “there’s always tomorrow” to get things done.”


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