Good morning!

I know … that’s a crazy picture to share (it’s only posted on the home page)  …. but it’s the main subject today .. or it was yesterday and it’s moved into today!  

One of my many goals in 2014 (I have several) is to get my systems in place.  So, each month I’m tackling one at a time and this month it’s my mailing list.

I’m moving my mailing list to a new company and it was going well until I hit a snag yesterday.  Instead of going into the deep dark subject .. I’m just going to say …. I think it’s fixed but it may not be.  

The problem is not you or me … it’s with email companies (because of the amount of email I get …. I’ve being viewed a spammer … isn’t that a joke?)  

In the future if you want to remove yourself from my mailing list .. just simply click on unsubscribe at the bottom.  I will NEVER add someone to my mailing list without your permission and I will NEVER send you junk. (With the exception of my downline … I add them so they can stay in the loop).

Click here if you would like to join my new mailing list.   It will tell you if you’ve already subscribed.

Here’s some things you might want to know:

  • If you view your email from your mobile device .. you may not be able to see all the spam in your spam folderThat means if your provider sees me as spam … I’ll be in that folder … you will need to check it on your computer.
  • Some companies have filters that block some keywords (like chick or chic) … if you’re checking email from work …. it’s possible I’ve been blocked.
  • If you use gmail …. my emails (mailing list emails) more than likely go in your promotions tab and that tab is only viewed on your computer. Your mobile device whether tablet or phone does not show those tabs.  You will need to check it on a computer.

I know …. by now I’ve lost 90% of you …. this is a Stampin blog (as I’ve been told ….you only want to see the pictures .. LOL) …  but what can I say ….. I’m sharing my knowledge and I know it will help some of you 🙂

Next Subject …. 

One  Sheet  Wonder  Class

I’ve mentioned this in one of my videos … and in my newsletter.  Here’s the scoop … anyone on my mailing list or my downline (and Stamp Club Online) will receive access to this class for FREE.  (My new mailing list.)

Because of the crazy trouble I had yesterday (10 hours down a rabbit hole) it’s been pushed back a few days.   Do not worry .. those of you that are having trouble subscribing .. we will get it worked out and you will receive access to the class.

And … for those that do not want to be on my mailing list you’re welcome to purchase the One Sheet Wonder Class.

Now for some fun  ….. 


Tune in tonight at 8pm Central Time (9pm Eastern, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific).  If you’re on my Chic n Scratch Facebook Page I will post a reminder a couple times.  

How to view my UStream Live:

  • Click here to go to my Stamp with Chic n Scratch channel
  • To use the Chat Box or Social Stream – join for a free account.
  • NO Solicitation (or linking to other companies or demonstrators) is allowed!

Chic  Stands

All orders have been shipped and what can I say … THANK YOU!

p.s. don’t forget to enter to win the Chic Stands … the drawing ends tonight.

Thanks & have a great day!!