Live Stream on Saturday


Short and sweet post today (I have a whopper of a headache).

Tune in tomorrow at 11am (central time) to Stamp with Chic n Scratch.  We’ll make a project and then chat a little (or a lot). 

Click here to go there (tomorrow).

If you’re you on my Chic n Scratch Facebook page I’ll post a few reminders.

How to view my UStream Live:

  • Click here to go to my Stamp with Chic n Scratch channel
  • To use the Chat Box or Social Stream – join for a free account.
  • NO Solicitation (or linking to other companies or demonstrators) is allowed!

Thanks & have a great day!

February   Hostess  Code:   XPK79TGU

  • Use this Hostess Code and receive a free gift. (Please do not use the Hostess Code if your order is $150 or more).

Update Feb 25th:   Congrats to these people … their names were drawn to win a free pack of Rhinestones after the Live Stream on Saturday. (If your name is listed please send me your address.

Damar Osica
Dori T
Susan Timchack
Charlene Carlos – won a Stampin’ Up! ruler


86 thoughts on “Live Stream on Saturday”

  1. I woke up with a major headache, too! Felt like my dog was sitting on my head (which she sometimes does to wake me up to go outside. a 90 pound lab, no less!), but I think it’s just this stupid front going through the Midwest. YUCK!
    And double YUCK, because my son has a basketball game tomorrow so I can’t watch your stream! foot stomp, foot stomp!
    Hope you feel better!

  2. Loved the card in the box. I am learning so much from your video’s. Try and put the time aside so I don’t miss them. Thanks Again Mickey

  3. I loved the box! I think that cupcakes would look good with the balloons either the stamped on or the builder punch! I will have to try it!

  4. It was the first time i could see a live stream. And that’s because most of livestreams are after midnight for me. So, today was awesome to see you live. I had a great time !

  5. Thank you for showing us how easy a Card in a Box is. I have seen so many of them online but have been a bit intimidated to even try making one.

  6. My first live stream….only caught the tail end, but it was great fun….will have to be sure to catch future ones. Love your project….Susan

  7. Loved the card in a box project! I am totally inspired to try one. Saturday livestreams work best for me as I work evenings Sun-Thurs 4-midnight…. It was great being able to watch the full live stream. Avah enjoyed watching and her eyes got big when you said hello to her. Off to make ravioli’s! Thanks for all you do!

  8. Hi Angie,
    The card was very pretty . I liked the bows on the balloons -better than just having the string hanging from them. I made a Valentines one and did balloons with strings- that’s how I know the bows look much better. People have been writing the message on the back of the box.
    Thanks for sharing the idea your way.

  9. Hi Angie, I loved today’s show! I hope to win the ruler so I can convert the cm to inches vise versa.
    Thanks a lot for all your hard work.

  10. Loved the stream, my first time. Gonna attend all of them! I hope I get the ruler, lol! Your a great inspiration to me…thank you for all you do!

  11. Just another cute idea from you. I would like to see it in a larger 5×7 card version. That will make a bigger celebration splash for any occasion.

  12. Thank you so much for this creative box. I was having breakfast and watching you at the same time and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you.

  13. Wow! So sorry I missed the live stream. Just caught the very end! What an awesome project! I love it! BTW, I cut up a plastic container that SU stamps used to come to use as holders for pop ups in cards. Could use the same here! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Thanks so much for the video. The stream is good for me because I relate to things now always going right on the first try……I had been passing on this project thinking it would be too involved, but now am anxious to try it. Am anxiously awaiting the video to get the details down and get all of the measurements. Keep up the good work.

  15. Angie, you’re terrific! I love your streaming and this card in a box. I so enjoy all your never disappoint! Thanks..

  16. What a great video Angie, loved seeing Bella too! So many great ideas and I love the format, very inspiring. Thank you for all your hard work! Julia

  17. Hope I am in the correct comment box …. i loved what I saw today with the box card. I missed the assembly of the box but loved the final results. I am inspired to give it a try. Thank you, Angie, for sharing it.

  18. Today was my first live stream and I loved it! Will certainly try to attend more often. Am eager to try this little box and will be much easier now that I’ve witnessed it!

  19. Loved your box. First time to catch you live! I’ve made a practice box, so your trouble with the inside bars was familiar to me. Glad to see how to fix them. I want to make two for upcoming birthdays.

  20. Hello Angie,
    I enjoyed watching you making the on the box. I like the live stream because I can see the process you go through in making 3d projects. How things can be altered as you go along. Thank you for posting the live streams for us to watch. The box came out really cute. I will try to make one soon. By the way Bella is a cutie!
    Take care. Carol

  21. Angie – another great u-stream. I’ve tried making this “card in a box” a couple of times and was unsuccessful. I now think that I can do it. In fact, I plan on trying this afternoon. Look forward to the next stream. Thanks again!

  22. Loved today’s live stream…had just made my first card in a box so loved seeing
    yours. Probably the best solution for the live streams is alternating the timing, that way everyone would get to see it at one time or another.

  23. Hi,Angie loved your card in a box!!! Also love the birthday themes you’ve been doing, I have lots of birthdays coming up. First time watching a live stream, loved it! Love the birthday themes can’t wait for the holidays 2014!!! Such a cute card!!!love all your ideas!!!

  24. This is my first seeing a card in a box project, love it! Thanks for streaming live today. Have a niece’s birthday coming up and I will give this project a try. Have a good rest of the day!

  25. Think I goofed & my first comment didn’t post. I SO look forward to your live streams – they’re a blast. Love your attitude & humor. Can’t wait for your card-in-a-box video to come out. LOVE the Retro Fresh paper!

  26. Hi Angie, I was late in tuning in. I was thinking Georgia was 2hrs ahead instead of one. Finally a box I will love to make and send. Great that it can be a card too. For a child , why not put the year on one of the balloons, like 1st or 2nd etc. or a short message like HI ! My first idea to mount the balloons was the over head projector sheet too. You did a great job today and I think we all learned something in making this project! It’s fun to do something different isn’t it? Lookin forward to the video and instruction sheet!! Hugs, Lois

  27. Great livestream. It’s great to see you work through issues – even sometimes when they don’t work out! It will help us not to make the same mistakes. Thanks for making these live sessions – and for telling us yesterday that it will be today!

  28. Enjoyed the live stream today. I made a card in the box for my husband and nephew for Valentine’s day. The next time I am going to cut the top panels shorter like you did today. I always love your live streams. Thank you for sharing your talent.

  29. Angie, I am absolutely LOVING your live streams! It is so fun to watch you make these projects live and to be able to ask questions along the way. Great job! Thanks again!!


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