
I’m sharing with you a beautiful Valentines Wreath made by Rhonda.

She sent me the picture last week and I ask her if it was okay if I posted it on my blog … I knew it would be the perfect project to show today.

Thank you to all the wonderful ladies that attended my live stream last night on UStream … it was a lot of fun!!!   I’m happy I only messed up one thing (giving an email address instead of web address).

The Live Stream video will be posted on You Tube next week … as well as a clean version of the project (five to 10 minute video).   I’ll also be sharing the darling card I showed you 🙂

The Chic Stand winners have been announced …  (all three ladies have been sent an email).   


Email/ Internet  Stuff 

If you sent me an email this week and I did not reply .. PLEASE email me again.  As I stated yesterday I was not allowed to email anyone …  all day on Wednesday (some of you received email but a BUNCH of you did not).  We think the problem is fixed .. but … it may happen again.  I apologize if you needed an answer immediately!    Another option is … you can text or call my business line … that number is 913-901-7551.

Here’s Miss Bella’s Joke of the Week #4

Have a wonderful Valentines Day… I’ll see you on Monday! 

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