
Good afternoon,

I’m just checking in real quick to let you know that the Clearance Rack has some new items added today.

Click here if you’d like to check the Stampin’ Up! Clearance Rack.

On a personal note ….. I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a week!! 

I really meant to post before now but … in the past week Chase was sick, Brooke is sick … we spent three hours at Urgent Care and .. now I’ve got it….every time I try to talk I start coughing …. oh dear!!!

 I’m typically a last minute shopper and I do fine …but this year I was still shopping at 5:30 on Christmas Eve … that’s cutting it too close for me!! This year has reminded me of the holidays when my kids were little and everyone would get sick. (I thought we’d grown out of that stage.)

My TO DO LIST is a mile long ….. I need to announce the 12 Days of Christmas winners .. I need to check email and I need to do laundry … I need groceries.  Just as soon as I feel better!!

I hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!  (I pray I get to post before January 1st ….hopefully I’ll feel better by then!)

I’m sorry my blog post seems a little gloom and doom but I didn’t want to wait another day to check in with all of you.

Have a great weekend!!