
Just a quick note this morning ….

I’m home from Tennessee and I made it safe and sound!

I’m so thankful my husband was at the airport to pick me up .. the storms were crazy! I seriously thought we were driving right into a tornado (the wind and the sky was horrible). Yes, my flight was right in the middle of the worst part!

I don’t have a stamping project for you today … but I’m sharing with you a picture of my sister and cousin.  Kim is on the left …. I’m on the right and Tina is in the middle.  We call Kim Faux Angie or Faux Chic n Scratch because she’s gone to Stampin’ Up! events with me and everyone thinks she’s me … we even talk and laugh alike (as kids our teachers got us confused …. but I’m two and a half years older).

I’ll give you a little heads up .. it’s going to take me a couple days to get back into the swing of things.  I’m emotional … I’m tired and also missing my family in Tennessee. It’s so nice to see them ….. but when I come home I get very weepy.   Truth be told I’d like to lock myself in a room with my sewing machine … what do you do when you’re really sad?

If you have an urgent matter .. please feel free to call me … otherwise I’ll do my best to get caught up on emails …but I also have to unpack, go grocery shopping and do laundry .. just typing that stresses me out more.

I appreciate all your kind words over the last few days!!

Thanks and have a great day!

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