20132014stampinupcatalogThere’s been some confusion on how I’m handling the Free Stampin’ Up! Catalog request and I’m really sorry!!!

Please let me explain …..

Last year I sent several catalogs to addresses that were no longer valid.  And to this day I’ve never received those catalogs back from the Post Office.   (To go even further .. in all the years I’ve shipped kits and catalogs .. only one lost package has ever made it back to me .. I wonder where they go?)

Since I pay for the catalogs and the shipping for my Preferred Customers  … I need to make sure I have the correct address on file.   This is a business and I can not afford to lose money.

I have several customers that move often and if you’ve moved a few times you know it’s a lot of work to change your address (with everyone).  So, after two years in a row of having that problem …. I looked for a system that would allow me to capture the addresses at the same time.

I think the sign up form has worked beautifully and I’m sorry if it confused you!

Once all the Stampin’ Up! Catalogs have shipped … the mailing list will be trashed and you will not be solicited for anything.

Preferred Customers click here to sign up for your FREE Stampin’ Up! Catalog.

[cart price=”5.05″ title=”2013/2014 Stampin’ Up! Catalog” url=”http://www.cartville.com/SecureCart/SecureCart.aspx?mid=10FBA7E1-89F4-4BDD-B7B7-A804DAD4CEB0&pid=3b5c06db2c9b471fa4c7c8ed44aabcca”]Catalog includes a Wish List and a In Color Bookmark[/cart]

Thanks for everything!!!