Double whammy day .. we’re getting major snow .. and I’m SICK!

I won’t go into all the details .. just wanted to let you know .. I won’t be working today!!  I’ll try to check some emails on my laptop but I’m feeling worse instead of better!!

Yesterday I posted that cute little Easter Project and I kept getting really nice emails about how much you loved that project. THANK YOU! It’s like you know exactly when I need positive feedback (who doesn’t when they’re sick?).

Now let’s talk about Miss Bella and the snow (work stuff makes my head hurt worse!!!).

This was the first pic I took of her this morning …

Then .. she decided to see what’s under there?

Next ..  would be the picture at the top .. she took off running .. saying “I LOVE SNOW”!

Then .. it was … “I’m FROZE .. I think it’s time to go in”!

She’s currently sleeping!

Have a great day and I hope I see you tomorrow! 

p.s. When we get a lot of rain .. or snow .. we lose phone service and internet service .. that means if you email me and you don’t get a response .. please email me again!! I hope we don’t lose power but you never know with this weather (check out the weather channel and take a look at Kansas).  One more note .. I get terribly wordy when I don’t  feel good may see me rambling on Facebook ..since I have a hard time doing just nothing!!