Thank YOU

 Just a quick note this morning … to say thank you for all the wonderful emails and comments!  I’m glad that you understood what I was saying.  

I already feel better today!  (For two reasons …. I went shopping and  .. I bought some books on PreDiabetes).

Now to the heart of my post .. several ladies ask if I would share my food program and my exercise routine.

 I’m thinking …that’s a good idea …but I’m not sure.  I’ll continue to think about it and once I start my classes I’ll decide… I’m not totally sure I can help you … especially if I cheat and I’d hate to send you in the wrong direction.

Maybe this is a good subject to share on Saturday since I don’t usually post on weekends.

Here’s a picture of my food journal from yesterday … as you can see …it’s the cream and sugar with my coffee that does me in ….. every time.  I know I should quit again ..but there are some things in life you really enjoy and coffee is it for me!!  Or I could say it’s the last remaining thing .. I gave up smoking years ago, I gave up dark soda …then I gave up all soda and chocolate.  Sounds depressing doesn’t it? I told my sister I guess I might as well just stop eating and drinking .. (that was one of my pity party moments).

I ended the day pretty good .. I think .. I’m looking forward to starting the classes and learning the do’s and don’ts.   (I’m pretty sure that buttered popcorn at the movie is a don’t ..but I sure want some!!)

Here’s a picture of one of the books I purchased ….

And here’s a picture of my new shoes .. I love shoe shopping (but not clothes) and I ended up with two pair of Danskos yesterday.  My husband thinks they’re ugly .. I LOVE them ..they make me happy .. we could say I have happy feet today!!!

They look better on my feet !!  (Just looking at the picture kinda confirms my husband could be right .. but seriously I LOVE them!)

Last subject of the day ..    The Photo Carousel on my blog features Stampin Up projects or organization .. but when I post personal stuff .. I will typically not add it to the photo carousel.  But they will show up in my Photo Gallery once it’s complete (their working on it … six + years of blogging …. there’s a lot of pictures).

 What’s a photo carousel?  It’s the three pictures on the home page of My Chic n Scratch website that scrolls through three pictures (all of which you can click on to see and read more).

Thanks again and have a great day!!

Update 10 minutes after I posted…..

I found these wonderful cookies yesterday they are Dairy free, gluten free, egg free and nut free … and they taste amazing!!  Check out Lucy’s cookies, click here to visit the website.


16 thoughts on “Thank YOU”

  1. Hi Angie,
    I was excited to hear about Lucy’s cookies! When I went to the website, I was upset to see the cookies contained soy. Soy (and soybean products such as soybean oil, soy flour, soy lecithin, tofu) is also a “no-no” for someone with thyroid issues. It seems there is nothing out there that we can eat that isn’t in some way bad for us. Even raw veggies are “goitrogenic”. I have been diagnosed with a goiter so I feel your pain!
    Thanks for keeping us updated on your health issues. It’s good to know we are not alone in our search for the right things to eat (and drink!)

  2. So glad you are feeling better today. Shopping will do wonders for a gal!
    I don’t have personal experience with pre-diabetes, but my SIL does and the one thing I notice is, she eats – a lot. It is what she eats that makes the difference. From what I see, you need protein – meat is the best source, but beans and nuts are good too. Small quantities, more often. She walks quite a bit too. That is good excercise without breaking a sweat. 😉 You will do fine, Angie, once you get your mind around it all.

  3. Angie,
    Unfortunately I understand what you are going through. I went to the doctor at the end of August about something else and found out I have diabetes.@$#%&@& Well I started on medicine and have radically changed my diet and started walking. My sugar levels are at the normal level for someone without diabetes. I still let myself have a little pity party and get thinking of what I can and can never eat agin. I have to just stop and think, what choices will I make for today and focus on that. I am losing weight so after 10 more pounds I will go shopping for new pants. I can’t go to work and have them falling off:)

    I found a free place on line to log all my food and exercise. It tells you the nutrition facts about more foods then you can imagine. It tracks your progress daily, weekly and monthly. It is called my fitness pal. When I see I am making healthy choices, it lifts my mood.

    I wish for you that you are kind and loving to yourself. You just do the best you can and the days you don’t you start again the next.

  4. I’m fairly new to your website and am really enjoying your projects. Sorry to hear about the medical issues you are having. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to find out what will work for you though ( my mother has kept her preD under control with daily walks and managing her diet with a few indulgences here and there-sugar free pudding and jello were her best friends while she adjusted). As for sharing your food plan, maybe you could share a daily “plan” just not your actual food diary if that’s too personal. Best wishes!

  5. Hey Angie!

    You might want to check out the book “Wheat Belly”. The doctor that wrote it says the modern wheat we eat cause diabetes, IBS, etc, and many of his patients experienced immediate improvement after getting the wheat out of their diet. I plan on doing this myself, it’s just taking me a while to work up to it.

  6. Best of luck with your journey. There are a lot of us out here who have the same issues so we appreciate all that you do post on your blog about personal issues. It may be things we are going through also. So I hope you decide to let us know how the diet and exercise things go so we can support you and possibly help others.

  7. Hi Angie, Can I ask, where did you get the food journal? It looks just like something I NEED! Thanks.

    Good luck to you.

  8. It’s all about the right attitude. That can completely turn around your circumstances – make the negative positive. You’re doing just fine and will continue to do so simply because you’re the kind of person who always emerges a winner in spite of the occasional bumps along the road. Chin up girl and it will all come to pass.


  9. Hi Angie,
    Where did you get your Food Journal Book? You are on the right track ,just add a little walking time and you you will continue to see results. I really like your shoes. I bet they look nice with jeans. I have shoes that kind of look like them but they aren’t laced kind.(slip ons). Very comfy shoes.
    Have nice day!

  10. Hi Angie I hear the coffee dilemma. When I joined weight watches, they said no coffee, Ha! like that is going to happen. But I did make a couple of changes over the months. Sugar was replaced with splenda, and French vanilla creamer was only every 2nd cup. Then I found French Vanilla Splenda in little individuals pkg and the creamer was totally replaced. Now, I drink HOT, black coffee that’s sweetened with splenda (no calories and no aspertime) Coffee (2 cups a day) is now shown to be good for you, helps kick start your metabolism. Works for me..
    Take care of yourself first and the rest falls happily into place.
    Hugs from afar Ellen A (Canadian)

  11. Dear Angie,

    Just feel sad for you that you have to go through all these, but with your determination, I hope things will turn out fine. Sometimes, I guess we just have to take a small step at a time, and don’t think too much.

    Remember you have all of us here to pray and support you.

    Hugs from a tiny island on the other side of the world,
    Min (Singapore)

  12. Hi Angie. Have you ever tried stevia? It’s a great alternative to sugar…no calories and 0 on the glycemic index. It even comes in flavored versions. My favorite brand is NuNaturals. Please do NOT use Splenda or any other fake sugars! And maybe you can try starting your day out with protein (organic eggs or pastured meats) instead of foods like fruit or breads that contain or break down into fructose which raise your insulin levels. Check out for a wonderful nutrition plan.

  13. I have dansko’ s too! I love them too…so comfortable…i have planta facititis (i misspelled it) but you have to take care of the footsies!

    You know the old saying…”if the shoe fits it’s ugly!”

  14. Hi Angie, I agree. It’s hard to give up coffee. I have become sensitive to caffien and I am also dieting. I started making my coffee half full caffein and half decaf. Then I started using fat free half and half. I am now using skim milk. I stopped using sugar a long time ago. And, I also quit smoking a long time ago. It took a awhile to get used to the coffee, but I feel better. Unfortunately, I do have COPD even after I quit smoking. I had to realize I must take my advair every day. Good luck with your journey! It’s all worth it as long as you fell better. Liz

  15. Hi Angie! Diabetes is a tough illness but at least its one that can be lived with. My husband has it and takes insulin 4 times a day. He struggles daily dealing with food – what he can eat, what he can’t eat, etc. He gets very frustrated and has a tough time with it. I’d love to know where you got your food journal from. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love your blog!

  16. Hi Angie,

    I once heard a doctor say, if you had to have an illness, diabeties is the one to have. The diet is the healthiest one around. So it may not hurt your family to tweek their habits a bit.

    I could stand to loose a few pounds myself. I think menopause caused a lot of my weight. I keep my granddaughter after school now. She rides the bus to my house after school. The bus stop is 1/4 mile uphill from me. I have lost 5 lbs just walking to meet her.

    Also, check into Almond Butter. Costco carries it, if you have one nearby. Dr Oz said to have 2 Tablespoons before bedtime. It keeps your sugar level thru the night and you will sleep like a baby!!! My mom tried it and says it works.

    I love your emails. I need to organize my craft room and loose some weight. I am looking forward to your new projects.


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