Good afternoon!

Yes …that’s what my desk looked like this past weekend … SCARY!!

Sharing this kind of picture …. really stresses me out!!!

With a capital S … but I know that many of you share the same problem. 

Since I really enjoy helping others … I’m going to be sharing a bunch of organizing tips. 

I’m going to start with my office …. my Stampin Up business stuff.  Basically how to organize my Stampin up office.

And …. I’m struggling with how to approach it because I blog 99% of the time to my WONDERFUL CUSTOMERS.  But this organization stuff is geared towards my downline and my fellow Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator.

But …. I think you may learn a few things along the way .. because who doesn’t need a system for organizing?

Over the past few months I’ve read the book “Getting things Done” .. purchased Evernote and read “Evernote for Dummies” … among other things.

  I LOVE to organize!!  And before stamping it was an area I worked on a lot!! One of my co-workers once said “what Angie lacks in knowledge she makes up for in organization”.

The only problem is I also LOVE to stamp, blog, read and watch movies/tv, play with Bella (and the list goes on)!

Because I’m so busy with everything else … I let the organizing go!

So, I’m fixing it ….and if I help you along the way …that’s a bonus.

The things I’ll share may not personally help you ..but it could help your niece or your mother … you just never know who it could benefit.

For my die hard stampers .. not to worry I plan on posting lots of projects …and a bunch more videos .. I just need to get all my ducks in a row before I lose my mind!! I made a huge dent this weekend and I’m super excited to share the picture of my desk  … Tomorrow.

Here’s a larger view of my messy desk :O

Have a great night!!

p.s wanna know what the post it note is doing on the top of my monitor?  I hide the camera because I’m afraid someone may see me … you never know!  (If you watch Person of Interest you really know what I mean.)