Live Stream Saturday morning

I don’t have a project to share with you today … but the good news is we’ll be stamping tomorrow …LIVE on You Tube.

Angie Live Stream
The theme will be Halloween …but if you’re not a fan …just remember all you have to do is change the stamp set and the card stock and the Halloween project can be turned into a Christmas project.

To participate ….all you need to do is go to my You Tube channel at 11am Central time…. Saturday, August 4th.  (That would be noon Eastern time, 10am Mountain time, 9am Pacific time.) 

Click here to go to my Chic n Scratch You Tube channel.

A word of warning … LIVE streams are fun … I love them!!  But if you’re not a patient person may not be for you.  If you’re not able to watch it live .. the recording will be available …and that means you can rewind and fast forward as much as you’d like. 

After the Live stream .. I’ll record a 10 minute or less video and post it on You Tube.  (The live stream will be creating the project …. and will take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.)

Before I close … I have another question for you today.  I’m getting ready to launch my 12 Weeks of Halloween …. but I’m thinking …

Can I do 12 weeks of Halloween (one a week for 12 weeks) and 12 Days of Halloween (12 projects in 12 days with 12 videos).   Is that too much?  Can I pull it off?  It wouldn’t hurt to try …but what do you all think?

If I don’t see you tomorrow ..have a great weekend!!

p.s. Thanks for all the comments yesterday… you really stepped up to the plate!! I appreciate that you understood the explanation of my Facebook business page

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Click here to order Stampin’ Up! Products on-line 24/7


12 thoughts on “Live Stream Saturday morning”

  1. If you realy want the truth? NOOOOOO! Please don’t overwhelm yourself, you just got better, and you feel so good,but you are fragile with the Thyroid thing. Please leave room so you will have RR too.
    I don’t think I would have as much fun keeping up with 12days as I would 12 weeks. I need time to actually do them.
    Have I said too much? Well you asked, so there you go, or is it there I go?

  2. I think you would be able to also. I would love to watch all of the video’s. I love Halloween and my daughter was born close to Halloween. So even more reason’s to love it.

  3. Hi Angie,
    Hope I can make it. I thought the other night with the catalog went great. I enjoyed every minute! Thanks for all you do.

  4. I love your videos and have been waiting for Halloween projects. I think you can do it, but only do it if you feel up to it. If you choose to do it, you will know afterwards if it was the right decision. Thanks for all you already do.

  5. I love Halloween, besides Christmas it is a big papercrafting time of the year for me. I do tons of cards and tags and treatbags, making them all with stamping products. So my vote is I would love to see as many ideas and projects to get inspired as I can. How kind of you to even think of doing all of this for us! You are pretty amazing.

  6. I would love to see some fall projects,
    instead of so many halloween projects.
    Maybe you could do some school and some
    for other occasions(parties, home, etc.)
    Whatever you do, don’t try to make yourself do too much. Your cards and
    projects are just terrific!

  7. I would love to see you do 12 days of Halloween and 12 weeks of Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday. I don’t think it’s too much. The more the merrier I think. But only if you’re up to it. I’m sure that will be a lot of work.


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