Fabric Flowers using Sticky Rounds

Sticky RoundsMy first blog post after our Stampin Up Convention is about Fabric Flowers.  I LOVE learning new things and at Convention we learned a lot!!!

Before today I had not used the Sticky Rounds #127852 (they'll be available August 1st with the new Holiday Mini Catalog) … but after learning how to do it right … I couldn't wait to get home and try it.

The picture above is from Convention … I'll show you mine before August 1st.

If you're a fan of my live streams on UStream you'll be happy to hear this news I posted on Facebook on Friday.

So ….it's no secret I didn't get much sleep last night ….. I was tossing and turning trying to come up with how can I say "THANKS" and I came up with something. I'm very excited about!

I'm going to continue my LIVE streams on UStream and I'll pay their outrageous price for the next 12 months.

When I get home I'll get started right away!

Since that post on Friday I've learned that I have access to stream live with You Tube …. but … I need to be able to use my camera verses my webcam.  So, that means I need help with the set up. 

If you want to participate (no stamping involved ..just getting the camera settings perfected) I'll be streaming on You Tube today at 4pm Central time.  The connection may come and go as I figure everything out.  Patience will be required 🙂

Click here to head over to my Chic n Scratch You Tube page.

Thanks & Have a good day!!

p.s. Don't forget to check out the Reason to Smile promotion.

  Angie facebook
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