Keychains & it’s the last day of the Idea Book & Catalog

Oh my Gosh!!! Thank you all so much for all the kind words about my Chiclettes Keychains!!! I'm with you .. I LOVE them!

So, this morning I called the company and ordered more and they will be available the week of June 25th.  They should arrive around June 21st and I'll need to cut the fabric and repackage them.

As soon as I get a price figured out (keychain, fabric, shipping and packaging) I'll post the button for you to order.

Thank you again …. You made my day!

Idea Book & Catalog ….

Don't forget today is the last day for the Idea Book & Catalog.  There are tons of items retiring that I'm very sad to see go … (like the Scallop Circle #2 die). Make sure you check it one last time before midnight tonight!!  You can click on the Retired List on the left side of my blog.

New Catalog … ordering from the new catalog will be delayed tomorrow.  I'll post all the details on my blog in the morning.

Product Shares

Please don't forget to check back first thing tomorrow for my PRODUCT SHARES.   If you want to be on the first round of shares you will need to order by 1pm so I can order it on my first order with the new catalog. (Sorry I can't post pictures before June 1st per Stampin Up! rules.)

Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow.

p.s tomorrow I'll also share my June thank you card ..that I LOVE!!   I know … I say that word too much …but seriously I do!!

Thanks & have a great day!


1 thought on “Keychains & it’s the last day of the Idea Book & Catalog”

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