Office/email day

I'm trying something new today … you can either read my blog post below or listen to the audio message. Just click on the arrow to start the player (sorry it uses Flash and will not work on the iPhone or iPad ..I'll look for one that will work … Scroll to the bottom of this post and there's a new version that's not Flash and it will work on the iPhone and iPad).

Just a quick note to say Good Morning!

I'm going to have an office day today and I'll be getting caught up on my emails and doing some paperwork. (And …. filming some videos if I can get my husband out of the house.)

One of my customers reminded me that the 2010-2012 In-Colors are retiring this year … (how will I live without Pear Pizzazz?) and the current Idea Book & Catalog is ending at the end of May.  So, if you LOVE the  In Colors and you don't want to miss out … you may want to think about stocking up on them now … during Sale-a-bration.  Plus we all know those retiring items SELL OUT FAST. 

Thanks & have a great weekend!!

p.s. Let me know what you think about the audio recording ….you like or dislike?

10am update … I think I found a way to load audio files that can be opened with an iPad or iPhone … let me know if you have any trouble.




17 thoughts on “Office/email day”

  1. OOooh – new gagets – love them! I liked having the option of listening to you today Angie. Sometimes if I am surfing in the family room with DH watching TV I would probably just read – but it is lovely to hear your voice.

    Hope your paperwork day goes well and you have a great weekend. X

  2. Wow Angie I loved it your informing us of things we need to remember and yep I sure need that paper…some of us skim over things but with this we won’t miss a thing!!! Hope you use it more love it!!! Enjoy your day!

    Love your site!!!

  3. Hey Karen,
    when I was typing my blog post I thought to myself it would sound better if I could just talk. So I googled how to add an audio file to my blog post.

    It took a while but I figured it out 🙂

    I love trying new things!!!

    Sent from Angie Kennedy Juda with my iPhone


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