Love what you do …. but be willing to make changes

Does the title of my blog post scare you?            

It does me…. just kidding 🙂

Two weeks ago we discovered that Chase’s left leg is half the size of his right leg.  Of course it has totally freaked me out.  How could I miss that?  I see him everyday.   But the truth is … I see him …. but do I really?  I’ve been consumed by my business for so long that I’ve become someone I don’t recognize.   I did not start my blog to sell thousands, I started it because I love to teach people how to stamp and when you love what you do it’s possible to make money at it.

 I’ve wanted to talk about this for a while….but I live in fear that I will wake up and it will all be gone.   Even by sharing this info I know some will move on and not return to my blog.  But living in fear is not healthy!

We have a saying in our house…if something keeps happening God is trying to tell you something.   I’ve just been ignoring the signs…. but I think I’ve got it loud and clear.

We’re not sure what is going on with Chase’s leg, I took him to the doctor and they are referring us to Childrens Mercy.  The doctor couldn’t tell me a lot but shared that his calf is 2 ½ centimeters smaller than the right and his thigh is 3 centimeters smaller.   We’re waiting for them to fit us in and in the meantime we’ll just pray it’s just something minor.   One of the reasons we didn’t notice it sooner was because Chase wears jeans all the time…. even in the summer.  On occasion he’ll wear shorts but not very often.

So, my goals for this year are turning more personal.  I’m going to lose 45 pounds.  I’m going to finish Chase’s scrapbooks before he graduates next spring.  And as we continue I’ll share more of my personal goals.

I’m not sure what my goals for my business are going to be this year.   I need time to really think about it.  Last year & the previous year was all about money. 

Am I quitting …heck no!!  If that was going to happen it would have been when I had to stop selling my Chic Stands (something that still brings me pain but it’s business & I get it).

I will continue to post, I’ll continue to offer product shares…. there’s not one thing I’m going to stop doing.  Except …. I’m going to do it when the time is right for me and my family.  Not because I’m afraid you will leave me or go somewhere else.  For example, this weekend is July 4th.   And we are headed to the lake…. It stresses me out ….. like you wouldn’t believe that I have to leave my blog & my email.  I try to create posts in advance so you won’t leave and that’s just not the right way to live. 

I’m also in the process of creating a page to share my losing weight.  I’ll share what I eat, how much I exercised and track my weight….but I’m not posting my starting weight just yet….it’s just too embarrassing!!   I started off the new year right I walked 45 minutes today and ate a boiled egg with toast for breakfast 🙂

I hope you have a happy & safe July 4th weekend!!


Order Stampin' Up!
p.s.  I do have a blog post for today and tomorrow…I’m just taking off Saturday – Monday.


66 thoughts on “Love what you do …. but be willing to make changes”

  1. Hey Angie,

    My next door neighbor’s son has a similar situation like your son’s. I don’t know all the details but they learned about it before he was a teenager (he’s now 15 yrs old). For him it was his growth plate. They would go to Shriner’s Hospital in Tampa twice a year and monitor it. Once they felt he had stopped growing enough they performed surgery. I think they shortened his longer leg. Sorry I don’t know all the details. There’s a very minute difference in length and it hasn’t stopped their son from playing sports, running around w/ friends. etc… I hope your son’s diagnosis will be an easy surgical fix.

  2. Good to hear that you are wanting to make positive changes. Walking sure did it for me. I’ve kept the weight off for over a year now with a daily walk. Teens have a hard time telling us when they have something “different” with their bodies. I remember when Alex had eczema for the first time. He had it ALL over his backside, legs and stomach. He had kept himself covered so I didn’t see it. My goodness, when I saw something on his arm and asked about it he mentioned he had “a rash” on other parts too. He looked like a picture out of a medical magazine…it was so scary to see. I had never seen it before in my life. Of course, mom freaks and off to the doctors we went. He’s okay now, but gee whiz kids…let us know!

  3. Okay…first of all Chase is going to be okay. You are being proactive and getting things checked out. Take it one step at a time and breath. God has this under control if you give it to him to worry about. Second, I would never stop visiting…you have a great blog and you are awesome! And thirdly…I’m trying to loose weight too and that will never be found again. Here’s a tip. Chic-Fil-A has a great grilled salad that is delicious and so low in calories…get it with the Light Italian dressing. I hope the few words I share will lift you up. This is what its all about…sharing and loving each other.

  4. Family comes first…always! Your true followers will not leave you and they are the ones who should matter most anyways. We all need to reorganize our priorities from time to time and I think it’s great that you’re doing that now. Stay positive and all things will fall into place.

  5. Good for you! I am an avid follower and adore all our websites and all you do for us! And I am happy for you….

    You know what, those of us who are followers, will still follow and support you whole heartily. Life will go on and you may find you enjoy it a little more with a lot less stress.

    As for Chase, my prayers are with you and I hope all will be just fine!

    Life should be enjoyed and I am sorry you have felt we’d all leave if you didn’t “give” us something each and every day – SU and sharing what you love should’ve never made you feel that way.

    You focus on life and ya know what, we will be here supporting you all the way!

  6. Dear Angie,

    My friend sent me your blog, and I have been following your posts ever since. You were the one that turned me on to the scrapbooking software. I wanted to purchase it from you, but my first demonstrator was on the verge of losing her status after 7-8 years. I supported her instead.

    I really appreciate that your posts are ALWAYS full of energy and enthusiasm for life and SU. I appreciate that you make the blog personal by sharing your personal stories with us! If it was all about money, we only felt the love. You make the lives of those of us who are connected with you in person or via the Internet just that much richer!

    As a mom I am here for you with Chase. I am glad that you are using the situation as a bonus for examining your life. There is a lot of love for you out here even when we haven’t met you in person or communicate it.

    Stampers are all about the love of crafting and relationships. Lovers won’t be hard on you. 🙂

    Have a great vacation this weekend!! And thank you very much for sharing you with us!!


  7. Sorry to hear you are having some issues. I can totally relate though. My son has a genetic disease that my brother died from at the age of 14. So I work from home so that I can spend time with all my kids. Of course, since I work from home, it’s easy for me to work all the time. I just started interviewing people to take over my position within 12 months. While I try not to miss the important school functions and what-nots, I still feel like I’m missing too much. Good luck with Chase and your weight loss. I need to lose about that much too and I know how hard it is.

  8. I usually don’t write anything, but – health, happiness, and family is what’s important! Businesses come and go and I’m sure that yours will be fine. You sound like a great person and I have enjoyed your blog and you have given me inspiration to make many things! Don’t worry about things that you cannot change and take one day at a time! Remember your priorities and things will fall into line where they belong!

  9. Angie,
    You are an amazing talented lady!! i am so glad I found your blog. As a fellow demo, I can relate to getting wrapped up in the business and letting other things slide. Family is very important and must come first! I have a situation with my daughter that I have been putting off and you were just the push I need to get it taken care of! Thank you!
    When you have time to post, we will look forward to the wonderful creations.Until then the anticipation will keep us looking! God has plans, we just to keep reminding ourselves that!

  10. So proud of you for being aware and honest to do something about it. God will bless you and I am praying He will bountifully! I am interested in the new in color ribbon share if you are doing it again. I have bought from you the last several times. By the way, I will continue to be on your blog all the time as usually!!! Have a happy 4th and be safe!

  11. I can’t even begin to tell you what an inspiration you’ve been to me over the past 1 to 1.5 years, when I started out with my crafting. I can’t even remember how it all started but I know it had something to do with watching one of your YouTube videos, where you were showing how to make something for the holidays—might have been a treat bag or a treat card (?). I wasn’t even searching for craft videos on YouTube and somehow just discovered your channel by accident. At the time, I couldn’t even glue two popsicle sticks together when I started watching your videos but I decided to give your project a try and have been hooked ever since. I now have a Sizzix Big Shot, Cricut Expression, Stampin Up products I ordered from you, and tons of supplies I’ll need 10 lifetimes to use. And, because of you, I’m having a blast and also discovered that I do have some talent, after all.
    Thank you for all that you have shared, and continue to share with us. I will be a lifetime follower, even if your posts and videos need to be put a little on the back burner to take care of what’s most important in life—your health and your family. I applaud you, not only for this post, but also that you had the courage to post it and tell people what matters to you the most. Anyone who doesn’t stand behind that, doesn’t need to be here, anyway. xo

  12. Angie, you just do what needs to be done and to heck with those people who don’t come back. Anyone who faults you for taking care of yourself and your family first is not worth your time.

    Love your ideas and your blogs and I’m not going anywhere!

  13. I am very happy for you with your decision. I love reading your blog but don’t get to visit often. I too started my blog just because I wanted to share what I do for fun, but it too was time consuming. At one point I was consumed by the number of visitors coming to my blog so I would make sure to post everyday. It didn’t last long because I came to realize that I needed to be with my family and the blog and everything else is after when I have time. You are doing the right thing and it’ll all work out. I’ll keep coming to visit whenever I get a chance.


  14. I’m sorry to hear about your son. Don’t feel guilty/blame yourself for building a successful business! You now know and are doing your best. It will all work out. Some of the qualities & characteristics you’ve acquired as a result of working hard to build this business will indeed help you and your family as you work through this next challenge.

    Secondly, if someone leaves your blog simply b/c you don’t post on a daily/regular basis that’s asinine!! We come here b/c we are awed at the amazing things you create!…the quality & creativity, not the quantity! And you not only flaunt the stuff you make but SHOW US HOW to replicate it. We appreciate that! WE need YOU so don’t feel obligated to knock yourself out trying to please US!

    I have no idea how I stumbled upon your site, but I am SO glad I did! (I sell for the competition and you’ve got me hooked on SU!) lol

    As for weight loss….you should check out The Diet Solution online. It works and quickly! And it’s NOT a diet!! It’s help for living a healthier life.

    Good luck, Angie. And God bless.

  15. Angie, I am so proud of you! I know that this has been eating at you for some time (trying to find the right balance & your worries with Chase). It wasn’t until my mom died that God finally got through to me to change the way that I lived my life and realize what is most important. He had been working on me for a long time and I guess I just wasn’t ready.

    You will always have my support in whatever you do and I pray that everything will be fine with Chase. As others have said before me – if people don’t come back to visit your blog just because you have realigned your priorities, it is their loss not yours.

    I would love to be your accountability partner on the weight loss. We could see who can reach their goal first. I need to drop 45 too. :o)

    Donna J.

  16. Angie, you will get through this! You’re such an amazing person … I feel like I know you and we’ve never met. You put so much of yourself into your work that I think a lot of us feel like you’re our best friend! And that is why you have done so well – you love what you do and you give what you would want from someone else. You’re energy, sharing & honesty are what keep me here. Even if you didn’t post every day I’d still be here. I am encouraged & excited on a daily basis! 🙂 You are so right about taking time for family. God has gotten your attention & now it’s time to re-prioritize & take care of them & yourself. He brought you to it & He will get you through it & our prayers & thoughts are right there with you!! I too am on a journey & decided in January of this year I needed to lose weight & get my life in order. I have lost about 45 pounds and have not dieted or deprived myself of the things I loved. I got smart about what I was eating & portion control – my kids did it with me – and it was easy and life changing (not another diet because they don’t work!). I still have other things to work on but I didn’t get here overnight so it won’t change overnight (grand words from someone who would rather take a pill & be skinny, rich and smart in an instant) but I do know it’s true. May God continue to bless you & your family and put a healing hand on Chase! and thanks for being such a wonderful friend & inspiration to me and all that enjoy your blog every day!

    Newport News, VA

  17. BRAVO!

    I don’t know how old you are, but for me, I got the same awakening a few years ago (I’m 45). I just figure life is TOO SHORT to live it to please others. I only want to please/love/care for those in my close circle. The rest I hope I touch in a positive way somehow, but I just can’t be everything to everyone.

    Second note: My mom has the same issue with her legs (one is smaller in circumference). She never noticed it, a doctor did! She was in her 30’s when it was discovered. The Doctor said she probably had a mild case of polio as a child. This probably isn’t the case with Chase as they vacinate against that now, but I just wanted to share that about my mom with you. It’s never caused her any problems and she’s in her 60’s now.

    Good luck with you in whatever makes you happy. I will keep coming back because I love your ideas. You’re very talented!

  18. Please don’t apologize for putting you and yours first. I follow blogs that publish much less than you do. You do what you have to do.

    P.S. What happened with your Chic Stands? I wasn’t aware that you’d stopped selling them. I’ve got two and love them!

  19. Angie

    Do not for 1 minute feel guilty about putting your life in order. We are always told God, Family, Work and that is so true. I have gone to your blog every morning as I have breakfast but will I stop just because you don’t post as often, heck no! You inspire me to keep trying different techniques. Your family is more important and if someone stops looking at your blog because you don’t post as much then they shouldn’t have been there anyway! Take a deep breath, and pray and everything will fall in place and we that support you will be right here praying with you. Bless you for feeling the need to talk to us like friends & family. I salute you….you are a special person in my book! Sheila

  20. I’m not the first and wont be the last to say that you’re doing the right thing, making priorities. Do what’s best for you and your beloved ones – we’ll stick to your amazing blog, no matter how long it takes untill you’ll update it – it’s worth the wait 🙂

    A speedy recovery for your son and enjoy each minute of each day to the fullest.

    Hugs from Germany


  21. I have a tremendous amount of respect for your decision and totally and completely understand your fear. In my “real” job I am commission only and struggle with the same thoughts — if I don’t take that call that buyer will go somewhere else, etc. It’s a tough spot to be in, but there are things more important than money. You’re going to be fine and so is your son. God is in control and all things work together for the good to those who love the Lord. God does have a plan and purpose in this situation and you will just have to be sensitive to what He is trying to show you. As everyone has said — your real followers will continue to follow. Thanks for sharing something so personal. Enjoy your 4th of July with your family.

  22. Angie, sweetie I wouldn’t stop coming to your blog everyday for anything!! Family comes first and you need to take care of Chase. You are doing the right thing by taking him to the doctor and I know he will be okay. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. You have inspired me so much since I found you on YouTube. I started following your blog, then buying products from you. You’ve helped me heal from personal problems through crafting and I will be forever grateful to you!! Your true friends and followers will understand and not go anywhere so please don’t worry about anything. Just focus on Chase and let the Lord take care of the rest. If you don’t have the time to post or make a video for a while we totally understand. Much love to you Angie. Take care, Jenny 🙂

  23. {{{Hugs}}} Everything will work out for the best…you’ll see! I love your videos and projects. I subscribe to your blog in google reader, so whenever you post (whether it’s once a day or once a week), I’ll be excited to read what you share!

    Good luck with your weight loss. I’m on that journey myself. We can give each other cyber support. 😉

    Your readers and customers will understand that you need to put your family (and yourself!) first. Take care of Chase. Take care of you. We’ll be here whenever you pop in.

  24. Until I read this post, I thought it was your creative ideas and way of presenting them that I liked best. Nope–it’s that you have your priorities in the right place and are taking care of you and yours before the rest of us! Huge kudos to you!!

    The wonderful, fun, creative ideas you share won’t be any less wonderful if we only get them once a week…anticipation might just add to the fun!

  25. Angie, I know that it has been said over and over, but you are so right in what you are doing…, health & your happiness come first! You are an inspiration to many many people, and that will not change. I also wanted to say that I love it when you post about your personal life. It makes all of us feel that we know you a little bit, and feel able to write you a note here and there. Good luck with Chase…my prayers are with you!

    Take care of you….
    Hugs from Canada!

  26. Way to go!!!! I’m so proud of you that you notice the need of your family and YOU! It is so easy to get suck in, in all that business and forget the thing that matter the most in life. Maybe a little less business/money but lots more love… What matter the most? Look ahead not in the back and all will be great. Good Luck with all of it. Prayers and thoughts are with you and your FAMILY.
    Always France

  27. There’s not a lot to say that hasn’t already been stated. I just wanted to add that I visit your blog ALL the time and will continue to do so. It is not the quantity of your posts, but the quality that keeps me coming back.

    I will keep your son in my prayers. As a mom, I have been there before with worry and fears, but know that Chase will be just fine.

    Good luck with ALL of your personal goals. Let us know how you are doing.

  28. Angie, will be thinking of you and your family and hoping for the best possible outcome for your son. I have appreciated over the past few years all of the inspiration that I receive from your blog. I check your blog EVERY day, and if there is a post, great!! If not I always check back. And even though I don’t comment all that often, I appreciate all of your time and effort and love all of your projects. While I am on that subject, thank you for all of the very helpful and informative videos!! (even the bloopers) lol.

  29. Angie, you are a amazingly talented woman and we all so appreciate you sharing your talent with us. I applaud you for taking a step back and listening to what God is telling you. Nothing is more important than your family and your health. Prayers to Chase and his health concerns and to you with your weight loss. You will always have my continued support and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your precious time with us.

    God bless you and your family.

  30. You take care of yourself and your family! I’m pretty certain that nearly everyone will still follow your blog. I know I follow many that post only occasionally. I missed the info on your Chick-Stands…..what happened with them? (p.s., I have one! ;))

  31. I’ve only been a follower for a short while but I don’t think you need to worry about your followers leaving, your sooo talented and they would be silly to expect your business to come first before family. Family is always first!!!! Take care and I hope that everything works out with both Chase and your goal to lose weight :))

    Thanks for all you do to inspire us!!
    Amanda @

  32. First of all, good for you for putting your true thoughts out there. I come to your blog everyday. I love what you create. I love your energy. I just get a good vibe from you that you are good people. So, no worries with me. I’ll continue to be here. Best thoughts to you about your son. I’ll hold you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and have the best weekend. No worries. Just have fun.

  33. Angie,
    I too, will not stop visiting your blog, you are amazingly generous with all the ideas and videos on not only paper crafting but now quilting as well. You blog was the only place I could find for a card holder several years ago and I have watched every video you have. I also have a Chic Stand and of course use it all the time. Never, never, ever apologize for being with your family. That is what Stampin Up is all about. I have a feeling if you are able to relax and let it go a little some of that weight will melt right off with the relieved stress. Way to go and you are going to feel so amazing real soon. For so many reasons. God has you in His hands as He works out the details of your life. Just let Him, trust Him. He is so good.


  34. Hi Angie
    Wow, it is hard to write without sounding self-centered. God is giving you a message, he will guide you through all of this. I didn’t listen to my message and suffered the consequence of losing my hubby of 32 years which has forever affected my family. When you are feeling this strongly about something, make the choice without guilt! Maybe this will give me a chance to catch up with all of your talented ideas and videos lol!!! I too am going to try to board the diet train (stress eating!) so I will meet you at the station.

    Blessings to you and your family
    From a Canadian admirer

  35. Thanks for sharing your heart. My favorite blogs are those who share not only their artwork, their tips etc., but those who share some personal things as well. It is a way I get to know my “internet” friends. It gives me more of an insight into that person. Will be praying for all your journeys and especially for Chase and his diagnosis.

  36. Angie,

    You are an amazing and inspiring lady! I’ve been following your blog for sometime now. I’m a new demonstrator and appreciate your honesty on how things that we *love* can take up too much of our time from family and friends that we *love* too! I am praying for you and your family. God has a purpose and a plan. He loves Chase more than even you do. He will take care of it all.

    You will still have followers and they will be the ‘right’ followers. If someone leaves because you are taking time with your family, shame on them!

    We Love you!! Enjoy your 4th Holiday!!
    In His image.

  37. Oh my gosh Angie! You are human! You need a break! I stumbled across your blog two years ago. I had started in a new stamp club and things weren’t working out with the new demonstrator (she had some personal issues which I totally respected). I would refer everyone in the club to your site too. When I needed Stampin’ Up products, I naturally thought of you even though you live a gazillion miles from me. You have brought me so much inspiration. If I wanted to become a demonstrator, I would go to you first (unfortunately I can’t because I don’t use Stampin’ Up exclusively). You pay so much attention to detail. I was impressed that I got a txt from you thankin me for my order. You are amazing! In order for you to continue to be amazing, you have to take care of yourself and your family. If they aren’t well and happy, you won’t be. I am sure I am not the only one out here who knows where your priorities should be. I will miss the frequent inspiration but being someone who does not have the time to scrap and blog all the time, I totally understand!
    My friend’s son had a similar situation as Chase. He had to have leg surgery and they were also “stretching” his leg (which is a painful procedure). Anyway, I will be praying for you and your family. I will continue to look forward to see what comes next and revisit all your previous projects. (The paperclip bookmark still eludes me – I can’t find that size paperclips anywhere! LOL!)

  38. Angie, you are so talented, I would follow your blog if you only posted once a week. You go take care of your son and family as a whole ’cause I am not going any place. I will keep you in my prayers. This weight loss thing would be a great thing to do as a group. Have you checked out Spark? Thanks for being just who you are and stop worrying about us out here in blog land. Those of us who love you and appreciate you will right here when you have time for us.

  39. Angie,
    As so many other ladies have said in the posts to you already, take care of your family and yourself first. Stampin’ Up! will still be here and so are the people that support you. We are all in this together, demos and customers alike… Good luck with loosing weight and many blessings to Chase.
    All my best,
    Lorena : )

  40. Hi Angie!
    I hope everything goes well with Chase! I’m sure he will be fine! As for you, you do what is best for you & your family! Your true followers will be here to root you on no matter what! If there are people who stop following you then you don’t need them anyway! I, too, need to lose about 45 lbs and keep it off! That’s my problem is keeping it off! Good luck in all you do! As for me, I will continue to follow you as I have for the last 2 years! I truly appreciate ALL you do for us! We love you girlfriend!

  41. We all know that nothing is more important than our relationship with God and then our families. You are doing the right thing and our Lord will honor your setting your priorities correctly. Just watch Him work in all of this. I will pray for your son, expecting God to do mighty things for him and to guide you in your decisions.

  42. Glad you caught Chase’s problem when you did! And… I’m not going anywhere! I enjoy your blog too much – thanks for all you do – now it’s time to make Chase the focus. May God guide the Dr. in the correct decisions for his treatment & give you peace.

  43. Angie,

    You are truly an inspiration to me and other demo’s. I enjoy your blog so much. I learn so much from you. You truly have the SU! spirit in sharing what you love. Plus, we get to share you! Your family will be in my prayers for Chase, your weight loss journey and generally. God has a plan and His will be done!

    Your followers will stay. Don’t worry about that. You do not have to be everything for everyone. You need to take time for your family and enjoy them while they are here.

    Thank you for sharing YOU with us!

    Have a happy 4th!

  44. Angie,

    I have followed you for almost a year now. Your creativity and enthusiasm is what keeps me coming back. I like so many others will not leave you.

    I will be praying with you and your family concerning Chase. God has this all under control, even when we don’t see his mighty hand at work. He will certainly take care of Chase and your business. Let Him help you!


  45. It’s like a book I read in bible study – Sacred Echos… don’t beat yourself up! I think this happens to many of us where we have to screech to a halt and regroup. You guys will make it fine together…I wish you all the success as you regroup!

  46. Angie,
    I don’t know how I found your blog, but I am so glad that I did!! You are amazing, soo talented, and I really enjoy watching because I can tell you truely love doing what you do.I do like that you share your life too. I have told all my friends to check out your blog and they too are hooked so please don’t worry about us, we will be here. Take care of your son and your family and yourself!! I hope you have a graet 4th.

  47. My prayers are with Chase, you and your husband. I believe too, that we have to be aware of the signs we are being sent. Sometimes we miss them at first, its just the way it is for many reasons. None, which we can go back and change. I so admire you. I too am just beginning a weight loss regime, I will work with you out here in cyber space. *smile* Hugs to you and your family. Carla

  48. We aren’t going anywhere. Why would we? And where else would we go? Be well. Take care of yourself along with your family. In the end, that is all you have. Peace and understanding during the challenging wait time.

  49. Hi Angie,

    Take care of you and your family first. Your blog followers and customers will be hear for you. I love your ideas and seeing what you have created. Spend your time with your family and enjoy every minute. When you are able to post… we will be here. Sending prayers and hugs from Canada.

  50. Angie,
    I discovered your blog only a couple of months ago, when someone linked me to your Savannah Bags tutorial video. I LOVE your blog!!! Being a demo myself, I find your blog so inspiring. Your sparkling personality comes through in your posts. The blog is fun and pretty and so professional…well, I’m in awe! And you must know that we will never leave you! I don’t do my blog-hopping every day anyway.

    I know you are concerned about Chase. Being an RN, I must say that surgery has it’s risks, but in general his condition does not sound life-threatening. Many prayers are with you and Chase as you embark on this journey. Everything will be all right!

    I also understand where you are at with the weight-loss goal. I have been wanting to lose weight for several years, but the time just had to be right for me to get motivated to make those changes. I started in February and have lost 20 lbs, but have about 30 to go. It feels amazing when I have a little success! I’ll be following your posts and cheering you on…and hope I can keep up with you!!

    Many blessings, Angie! You are fabulous and have many friends here in cyber-land!

  51. Angie – it’s rare these days to find someone who can admit that they need to step back and reevaluate their priorities. I think you are a very strong woman to be able to say “I’m changing – take me or leave me!” Good for you! I’ve been thinking for a long time that I need to make changes in my career in order to better accomodate my children and my family as a whole – thank you for being an inspiration in that journey! All the best to you and your family!

  52. Angie,

    I’m a frequent visitor on your blog, and love what you do. You have always been a huge source of inspiration for me. That will not stop because you don’t post every day 🙂 Thank you for ALL of the cards and projects you’ve posted for everyone over the years… and I’ll continue to check in with your blog when my mojo needs some jumpstarting!

    I’m wishing you and your family all the best with regards to your son’s leg…I hope that the doctors are able to figure out what’s going on and help you all through it! God bless,


  53. Your Son & your family should always come first and foremost! I’m sure that all of your blog followers respect you enough to understand this. Take care!

  54. Angie,
    First of all you are one brave person. My prayers are with you and your family. Family comes first and if some of your followers don’t understand and don’t return it’s there loss. You have shared so much with many of us and we should be understanding and grateful. Don’t stress over us your followers follow your heart. . . your family.

  55. Family comes first, always! Good for you for taking a more relaxed approach. Good luck with the doctors. I will be thinking of your family.

  56. You do what you have to do to take care of you and your family. Your dedicated fans will always be here to support whatever decisions you make. We are the ones who are truly blessed that you share you talent with the world.

    Prayers are being said for you and your family. Take care!

  57. Love your blog and look forward to all the cool stuff you show us. But, I wouldn’t mind if it was not so much or often. You ABSOLUTELY have to take time for yourself and your family. Kids grow up so fast and before you know it they are gone. First mentally and then physically. Nothing wrong with changing up your proprieties.
    I struggle with the weight too. I put myself on hold all the time. Another B U T coming, but, a better more healthy me is important too. Taking some weight off, getting in some exercise has tons of benefits.
    Can’t weight to share in your success of the new healthier you.

  58. Good for you. I hope there is nothing too serious with your son’s health, and I wish you luck in your weightloss journey. I need to lose a considerable amount of weight myself, so I take some inspiration from you with that too!
    Don’t fret about your blog/business. We’ll still be here.

  59. Angie,

    I too do this because I love to share with others. I also run a cheer program for 80 girls in my home town, and volunteer for the High School Football team for my son. This past weekend was a life changer for me as well. I had someone call me for cheer on the Friday before the weekend and want me to fit their daughter on THAT SATURDAY ~ We had had seen fittings before that and I was finished. I did not call her back, it was a holiday and I needed that time with my family. When my husband saw her on Tuesday, she was upset and told him…”I have been trying to get a hold of your wife for FOUR DAYS.” He said, “She has been trying to get a hold of you for FOUR MONTHS.”

    It is easy to get consumed in what you love and loose yourself. I am very glad that you are taking the time that you need. As for the rest of us…we shall manage…somehow we will.

  60. Angie I love your blog but you family comes first!!! I commend you on your choices and good luck! Thanks for all your ideas and sharing!


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