Good morning,

Yesterday I was filming a video of me opening the box to my Clear Block Storage Caddy (#120279)…..but ….in the middle of filming….it hit me that the foam material in the Caddy….is the same material as the Chic Stand.  

So, long story story short….if you buy the Clear Block Storage Caddy…you’ll get a whole assortment of Chic Stands …. minus the name on it 🙂

Click here if you’d like to see the video….although ….this is a remake of the video…..I got so excited I had to stop it and start all over….you will more than likely see bits & pieces of it on my next bloopers video.

Here’s a couple pictures for you.

Clear Block Storage Caddy

Make believe chic stands

p.s. Chic Stands are available to purchase again … click here for all the details.
Thanks for stopping by!!