Good morning,
My post today is on organization……July 1st will be here before we know it and I'm in the process of removing the retiring product to make room for the new stuff.
You've seen my Ink refill organization before….but it looks so much prettier with the pieces of card stock labeled with my P touch (with the new colors).
Update on June 17th…I found this drawer unit at either Walmart or Lowes but it was so many years ago I just can't remember.
I've heard from a few of you wanting to know about the new catalog….. They are on order but as far as I know they have not shipped. The minute I get them I will post it on my blog and they will go in the mail. The Priority Mail envelopes include your invoice and a wish list and they are all ready to go …only thing missing is the catalog 🙂
Sorry I didn't get a chance to post yesterday!! I had Stamp Club in the morning and last night. And….. we're working on getting Dave's office finished. I thought after the crazy month of May that I would get caught up in June….but I'm going to stop saying I'm going to get caught up and then maybe I will. (Isn't that like reverse psychology). That's the beauty of being a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, we set our hours and decide when we can work around our families schedule. Summer months are a little harder but I'm not complaining….. Chase is 17 & Brooke is 16 and I'm well aware that in a blink of an eye they'll be in college and possibly living somewhere else.
Have a great day & thanks for stopping by!!
Love your organization idea…what kind of P-Touch do you have, and do you like it?
hey Jackie,
I have the home hobby version. I picked it up at Office Max or Office depot. the p touch is another one of those things I just cant live without 🙂
Angie Kennedy Juda
Stampin Up! Demonstrator
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Angie- Did you get the organizer at IKEA? Talk about a perfect match, too cool.
Oh, I’ve got to do that!! Thanks for the great idea.
Awesome organization. I love the idea of sponges, chalks, daubers, refills etc in one drawer for each color! Thanks for sharing. Where did you purchase the organizer?
hey there,
I found it at Walmart or Lowes about 10 years ago.
Angie Kennedy Juda
Stampin Up! Demonstrator
My Blog:
Angie: What a work of ART you have created. Can only image how fabulous this must look in your studio. Thanks for sharing.
I love that!!
Hi Angie,
This looks great! After I saw what you did with labelling your sponges a while back, I’ve sat down and done the same with mine (although I didn’t bother using my labeller, hand writing onto stickers was faster!). I don’t have a set of drawers to put them in like you have, but have come up with another idea – I can fit a sponge dauber and one or two sponges into our stampin’ store cases. I’m putting these into some flat clear plastic cases that I have so they’re easy to see where each colour is (I’m labelling the stampin’ store containers with the colour). It’s easier to get the sponge or dauber out of the stampin’ store containers than little plastic bags like I’ve used previously. Having them like that means I can just quickly grab the colours I need for a workshop and throw them into a bag without them getting ink everywhere. Thanks for the inspiration!