Chic Stand winners – part 1

Eight people were chosen by the Random generator and here they are:

  1. 33 – Lydia Morris
  2. 75 – Linda Duensing
  3. 9 – Judy Cartwright
  4. 98 – Donalda
  5. 20- Jan
  6. 90 – Carey Rogers
  7. 47 – Kathy Mc
  8. 36 – Jamie Briones

I’ll post the other Chic Stand winners next 🙂

Congrats to all of you!!   Please email me your shipping address.



3 thoughts on “Chic Stand winners – part 1”

  1. I want to win one of your famous Chic Stands and I just missed it as I had to work last week and couldn’t check your blog:o( I was already a fan, but I signed up to be your fan on Facebook.
    Could you draw another name when you reach 100 facebook fans??? Please???


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