Merry Christmas!!

I hope you all have a safe & Merry Christmas!!

I won’t go into all the details but we had a big scare this morning and I had to dial 911.  Dave had a reaction to his meds & I had to call for help.   All is well & I’ll be back in a few days.

Merry Christmas & peace be with you!!


33 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!!”

  1. Wishing Dave a speedy recovery and many thanks Angie for all your hard work that you share with us. Have a peaceful and happy Christmas and all the best for 2010

  2. Angie: Can’t image how scared you must have been – I’m hoping that he got all the medical attention that he needed and has his medication all straight now. Wishing yhou a very Merry Christmas to both you and your family. Kadie from Arizona.

  3. thank heaven for 911…So hsppy everything seems under control for now. Take care, enjoy the family, rest, relax, open presents, have the merriest Christmas on record. Better days are coming in the new year. May the peace of the Christ Child be yours. MaryAnn

  4. Merry Christmas Angie! I’m glad to hear that Dave is now ok. I hope you guys are not getting pummeled by the HUGE snow storm that seems to be hovering around the KS/IA border. Blessings to you and your family for a Merry Christmas and a Joyous and Prosperous New Year!


  5. I’m so glad Dave is alright. I know how scarey medication reactions can be. Kevin had a reaction to medication a number of years ago and he thought he was having a heartattack !! We also called 911 and had an ambulance take him to the hospital !! One of the scariest days of my life !!

    You know I’m praying for you all !

  6. Merry Christmas to you Angie – sorry to hear you had a scare. My DH had a reaction to his medication last month – fell over at the bathroom and hit his head so much he passed out and was unconsious. The minute I got through to 911 he woke up and said – no no Im fine – and they told us to call the doctor instead – the doctor however called an ambulance immediately and we were at the ER for 4 hours being checked for several things. Hope all is fine at your house now – scares like that are awfull – I know I was a wreck for days after that. Take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR.


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