I'm having trouble viewing my blog……are you having trouble too? 8am update: My blog is back to normal. thanks for your comments 🙂 Typepad responded to my help ticket very fast!!
I'm having trouble viewing my blog……are you having trouble too? 8am update: My blog is back to normal. thanks for your comments 🙂 Typepad responded to my help ticket very fast!!
Hello! Yes, I thought your blog disappeared due to some loading issues. I noticed the vertical scroll bar was long and decided to keep scrolling – yay! your entries were there. Thank you for your brilliant ideas – if I only had time to creat some myself!
Hi Angie, not a problem with me seeing all of your blog from my computer! Everything is looking great.
I see you “loud and clear” all the way from Denmark, Europe. =0)
I too can view your blog perfectly Angie
All the way from UK
At first I couldn’t see anything but your sidebar, but I refreshed it and everything popped up,
I can see your blog as well. but it is 5:30 am so the problem may have resolved itself.
No Angie I am not having trouble and I am in Australia.
No trouble here.
I can see everything just fine! 🙂
I can see it, Angie. I’m using Chrome.
no trouble at all
no problem here either Angie!
I can see your blog as well.
I can see ya……..pat
Everything looks great from Idaho!