A good day after all :)

Oh my gosh……I’ve been having a terrible morning & cried ever since I woke up.  A couple things happened and it all happened at once.  One of my neighbors from my old neighborhood passed away on Friday and the rosary service was last night. It was difficult being there because she was only 40 years old with a dear husband and two young girls.  I had not seen her in many years but regardless, it breaks my heart.

The next reason will make you think I’ve lost it……My most favorite show Moonlight was canceled yesterday 🙁  I know that sounds so crazy to be so upset.  But, I am a romantic at heart, always have been, always will be.  I’m the person that also watched Titanic like 4 times at the theater.  Can you relate?  I’m a sap…my kids say I cry at Barney (I don’t….but I could if it had a sad moment).

Sorry for my personal post today….I try every hard to post only business stuff!!

Now for the good news…..just when I think I’m going to cry all day, not answer the phone and leave the blinds closed, so it will look like I’m not home……..A miracle happens (God answered my prayers)…….MY CHIC STANDSTM JUST ARRIVED 🙂  I’m going to take a picture and post it in a few minutes 🙂


11 thoughts on “A good day after all :)”

  1. angie,
    dont feel bad we all have days like that and I am sorry sorry for your lost of a friend so young my heart goes out to you and her family..

    and i get like that when i really like a show and they cancel it too I loved moomlight too….
    i am likeyou as well i could cry at a tv commerical my kids say if it sad and i always do when its the hospital one when the man has a heart and the wife walks in I always cry ..

    i hope you have a great day and love the new chic stands I just brought one from you and just may have to buy another one now

    happy stampin

  2. I am so excited for you! Look at all those Chick Stands! I love mine! I’m glad you got a pick me up! I’m sorry about your show! I know you really loved it! I will continue to keep the family in my prayers!

  3. I am sorry about your friend. At least you know that they are with God and are blessing you now.

    On a completely different note, I heard a rumor that the CW network might pick up Moonlight! Email them and tell them you will watch it. I am a huge Moonlight fan, too, so I know exactly how you feel. Isn’t Mick so delish?

    Hang in, girlie and thanks for all you share!

  4. I am sorry about your friend. At least you know that they are with God and are blessing you now.

    On a completely different note, I heard a rumor that the CW network might pick up Moonlight! Email them and tell them you will watch it. I am a huge Moonlight fan, too, so I know exactly how you feel. Isn’t Mick so delish?

    Hang in, girlie and thanks for all you share!

  5. Sorry about your friend passing away. It is so hard on everyone.

    I love your postings because I feel I am right there talking with you.

    Have a great day.

  6. I hope your week gets better. I am sooooo bummed because I had not heard that moonlight was canceled. I love that show! Maybe they will bring him back in an even better show that will keep us sentimental fools wanting even more.
    I just placed an order for some of those adorable and fun chic stands. I can’t wait!!! have a great day.

  7. Sorry to hear about your friend. A good cry is sometimes the best thing at these times. I watched Moonlight too-I think maybe they should have changed the day of the week..on Friday people are usualy gone out. 🙁

    I am glad to hear that your day turned up!

    Have a great rest of the week!


  8. Wow I missed this message! So sorry for your loss. When someone is young it makes their loss so much harder (at least for me). A rosary is such a beautiful way to honor your friend. Feel better and keep busy!

  9. Oh sweetie…I’m so very sorry for the those of your neighbor. It’s such a difficult reminder of how truly brief life can be. Please know that I’m praying for you and her family.

    I think sometimes no matter what we lose in life it can really make us feel unsafe….whether that be a life or something in our routine that we look forward to each week. I’m sorry that something that you really enjoyed is gone.

    Love ya sweetie…


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