Take a guess!!


Good morning!

This is not what I planned to show you…… but lets have some fun!  Yesterday I made these cards for all the girls and guys that joined my group during Sale-a-bration (keep in mind that my group is five levels down).

  So, while I’m waiting for my video to load……why don’t you take a guess at how many joined my group and whoever gets it right, I’ll send a card to you too!!  That’s okay if more than one gets it right, I made a few extra.  This picture has the exact amount of cards that joined, but you can’t really see them all… can you? 

Also, I’ve had a few people remind me that I never showed my new file cabinet… here ya go… My_new_file_cabinet it’s a beauty isn’t it?  I could have hugged it when I found it….maybe I did :)))  It’s a four drawer cabinet and I filled it up fast!

As soon as I get my goodies photographed and the video loaded I’ll be back later today.  (For some reason, when ever it’s really windy here in Kansas my internet acts up…what is with that?)

See ya later……………

9:30am Update……Contest has ended…congrats to everyone that guessed 12!!


45 thoughts on “Take a guess!!”

  1. Love the cabinet, I think I want one too. My quess is 11 as it was my basketball number also. Love checking out your site. Marlene

  2. angie,
    I love the file cabinet !!!!!! I would hug it too//

    welli am going to guess this I dont know why I never win at the blog things… but my guess is 13

  3. I guess 15, Your file cabinet is awesome, I am tired of the Sterlite organization system that I have , it is too plasticky!!!!

  4. Hi Angie, my guess is 9! Congrats on the fabulous downline:) I love these cards and I’m still in love with the lunchbox you have on your cabinet! Have a fabulous day:) ((HUGS))


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