Post it Note Key Chains

 These Post It Note Key Chains are so easy to make and you can’t make just one.

Post_it_notes_keychain_2Aren’t these Post it Note Key Chains sooo cute?   I really love them!!


I started out making these as thank you gifts to give out and then I decided that  monograms would be super cute too!!

If you’d like to learn how to make one of these here’s the video tutorial. 

Thanks & see ya later!!


38 thoughts on “Post it Note Key Chains”

  1. OH my goodness these are sooo awesome .. Love your video and Look one has my monogram letter 🙂 Hee! Hee! Just fabulous girlie .. gonna have to try and make one myself ..
    Dawn Griffith

  2. Thanks for the great tutortial on the post it note keychains. I’ve never visited your blog before but I will be back often. Thanks Melanie

  3. I don’t know where in the world you come up with these things but you’d better bleive I’ll be studying the tutorial in between screaming children. Thank goodness for rewind

  4. These are SOOOOO cute!! I love them all.
    Where did you get the keychains?
    As for favorite color, I think they are all sweet! I really like the brown and blue ones. 🙂
    keep up the GREAT work!

  5. Love these, soo cute!! I just watched the video. So easy. You are making me want to get the cropodial. did i spell the right? Oh well, I can’t wait to get my stuff. Has the man in brown showed up yet? I can smell the rubber!! LOL! Can you tell I’m addicted?

    See ya later

  6. You have answered my prayers. This is so crazy. I was just saying to my hubby yesterday that I needed to make a post-it note holder to carry with me. I had made the ones you had on your blog before and love them. But you can’t really carry those with you. I wrote some reminders for me on that one and didn’t bring the paper with me. This will save me from doing the same thing again. Thank you.

  7. These are so cute! What type of ring did you use? Where did you get them? How much ribbon did you use on each ring? Thanks so much for sharing your cute designs. You are my morning fix…diet coke and Chicnscratch!

  8. You have been tagged! Here are the rules:

    List one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don’t have a middle name, just use your maiden name. After you’ve been tagged, you need to up-date your blog with your middle name and answers. At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and need to read your blog for details.

  9. Ok, I’m in LOVE with this one!!! Gotta go watch the tutorial so I know how to make one! Thank goodness I have some post it notes on site. Now to strip down a keychain!!! You are soooooo talented!!

  10. These are so adorable and the tutorial is great! I can always count on you to come up with something new that I will just fall in love with! Thanks for sharing all your creations!


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