More Calendars

Back by popular demand….2008 Calendar Kits for Sale.  Calendar_class_2

Here’s the breakdown (please make sure you read all the choices of kits):

A Calendar Kit includes; 12 months printed Calendar (each is 4 x 4), 12 sheets of cardstock to fit CD case, 12 sheets of cardstock to mount the calendar , 12 scallop circles, 7 misc. size Circle’s, CD Case, Free Shipping, Typed instructions.  This kit is $20.00. 

Calendar Kit with images includes:  12 months printed Calendar (each is 4 x 4), 12 sheets of cardstock to fit CD case, 12 sheets of cardstock to mount the calendar , 12 scallop circles, 7 misc. size Circle’s, CD Case, Free Shipping, Typed instructions, 12 stamped images.  This kit is $28.00 

12 Stamped images only $8 

Previously there was some confusion as to whether the calendar kits included the stamped images.  In order to accommodate everyone I  have made three kits available.  As always if you  have any questions, feel free to contact me!  These kits are available in the US and Canada.

A note of Thanks……. When I designed these calendars, I fell in love with them….but I had no idea you all would too.  Thanks a million for all your requests and kind remarks…it means sooo much to me!!!  I’ve had a number of girls talk with me about how to offer the calendar again…. some were old friends and some are new…I appreciate each of you helping me!!


1 thought on “More Calendars”

  1. Angie,

    I just put together my calendar kit and it was so easy and fun! I must say it is just darling too! Thanks so much-you make it fun!

    Melinda Anderson


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