Hunt_family_2 Isn’t this card so darling?  Thanks Jennifer! I really love it!  It makes me want to rush over to my desk and stamp with my "All in the Family" stamp set, now if I could just line up my family like that!! hee hee

The next card is from Bobbie, isn’t it beautiful?  I love acetate cards, but I haven’t created one of my own… yet!  Thanks Bobbie!Bobbie_2

That’s all my stamping news today….I’m still having blog and computer issues.  I’ve heard from some of you about my new banner, Thanks for the kind words!! But, I can’t see it, for some reason my computer still shows the old banner.  Any suggestions?  I’ve cleaned out the cookies, cleared all the history, rebooted a hundred times.   I’m exhausted!!   So, yesterday I got away and went to see "P.S. I love you" ….oh my….what a movie, loved it!!!  I cried almost through the whole show ( I love those kind of movies).  Did  you know Denny from Grey’s Anatomy is in it?  (yes, I know his real name is Jeffrey and charcter name in p.s. I love you is William/Billy.)  Weird how we can remember some things and others just slip right out…this will crack you up….walking out of the theatre, I took off my glasses to put on my sunglasses and threw my glasses in the garbage…yikes, I didn’t have a coke or popcorn, just kleenex, not sure what I was thinking.  Thank God, the trash was almost empty!! I just had to dig all the way to the bottom. hee hee  and then of course I could hardly walk because I was laughing so hard. I’ll leave you with that today!!

Have a fantastic day and hope you get to laugh or cry if that makes you happy (you girls now what I mean!!)  Thanks for stopping by!!